Chapter fourteen

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December 16
By Denisha<3

Teagan sat at the booth reading her book as she waited on Ace to get off work. She looked up and seen M.J. As they made eye contact M.J walked over there.

"So when are you two going to make up?" Teagan asked as she sipped on her drink.

"I honestly don't know. You know I hate holding grudges." M.J said as she sat down across from Teagan.

"I'll help." She said as she closed her book. Mentally reminding herself to remember the page number.

"What do you mea-." M.J was cut off by Teagan.

"Ace!" She yelled getting him to come over.

He slowly walked over to them. Knowing what was about to happen. "Sit please." Teagan said patting the spot next to her. And he reluctantly agreed.

"Now stop being stubborn assholes you two and work it out. Y'all are both miserable without each other. Both of you apologize now." She said looking between her best friend and the man she not so secretly had feelings for.

"I'm sorry-."

"I'm sorry-." The both said simultaneously. "You can go first." M.J said.

Ace sighed. "I'm sorry for hurting your feelings. I regret cursing at you... forgive me?"

"I do forgive you and I'm sorry for being nosy and not letting you handle your own problems. I didn't mean to cause a scene." M.J said as she fidgeted with her hands.

"Now that we got that out of the way hug it out and go clock out Ace." Teagan said siping her coffee. I could really be a counselor. She thought smirking.

They hesitantly hugged and joked around. Then Ace went to the back to clock out.

"Thanks." M.J said.

"Anytime boo." Teagan smiled as she stood up. "See you tomorrow?" She asked.

"Always ." M.J replied.


"Hey Ms.Rosie, how have you been?" Teagan asked hugging her. Teagan was never one for physical contact but somehow she always ended up in the middle of it.

"Hola Teagan, I've been great, you?!" Did I mention that Teagan was fluent in Spanish? She wasn't ready for Ace to know yet.

"I've been living." She said with a smile before she spoke to every else that was there.

An hour later they were sitting in the living room talking to Ace's family.

"Tío!"(uncle) A kid that looked to be 10 yelled jumping into Ace's arms.

"Whats up lil man?" Ace said with the biggest smile on his face. Teagan had never seen him smile like that.

"It's been a minute." The kid, Luca said before he looked over at Teagan. "Teagan yo' girlfriend Tío?" He asked making Teagan blush.

"Not yet lil man." He said making Teagan almost break her neck to look over at him. What the hell. She thought to herself. Ace was so bold.

"Where your dad at?" Ace asked wondering where his you younger brother was.

"I'm right here old man." Tiko said before dapping up Ace. They we're only 2 years apart. And yes Tiko had Luca at 14.

"Hey Tiko." Teagan spoke to Teagan. About to make her way to the bathroom.

"Hey Princesa." He said flirting as usual.

"Aye y'all together?" Tiko asked Ace as he watched Teagan go into the bathroom.


"Put me on. I've been trying to talk to her since we were kids man. " He said rubbing his hands together.

"Hell no and I know. I remember you following her around every time you came over and she was there."

"Why won't you put me on though. You wrong for that." He said playfully shaking his head.

"Because I'm interested in her. And I remember her specifically telling you she thought of you as a little brother."

"Things change but some dudes been looking for you." Tiko said making Ace whole mood change. "Said they had business to talk to you about from prison." He continued.

"Damn." Ace said scratching his head. Teagan came out and sat by Ace.

"You always curving me I swear." Tiko spoke to her making her laugh.

"Boy you play so much."

"Who said im playing?" He asked smiling. Ace was to busy thinking about the men. He knew what they wanted and he also knew they would do a lot to get it.

"I'm trying to make you the mother of my next child." He said which caused her to stop laughing and look at him.

"Have you lost your damn mind. Ace this nigga crazy." She said in disbelief.

"He know you mines." Ace spoke nonchalantly. He wasn't one to hold his tongue.

"Yours?!" She exclaimed. Both of the bothers were crazy. He did a slight nod towards her and she just shook her head. She definitely wasn't going to disagree.

"Y'all tripping." Tiko said smacking his lips.

"No you the one tripping." Ace said laughing.

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