Chapter five

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August 29/2020

By: Denisha

The next morning was awkward. Teagan woke up at 7 like always. She fixed breakfast and herself some coffee. A couple of hours later Ace got up. She heard the shower turn on for 45 minutes then once he came out the bathroom, he made his way to the kitchen. He seen that Teagan was there and was about to leave until he saw the food.

"Morning." He spoke lowly only being polite not waning it to be even more awkward and Teagan said the same.

She got up and put her coffee cup in the sink. "I'm about to go to the mall, do you want to come." She asked him. He debated on his answer. He had just gotten his first paycheck and he wanted to get him some new clothes. He knew if he bought him a couple of outfits that he would have money left over for bills.

"Yeah sure, but when we leave can you drop me off at my other job."

"Yeah, where is it and what time do you have to be there?" Teagan asked putting on her thin leather jacket. Sometimes she would have days when woke up wrong or something was wrong with her, and on those days, she would wear all black. She wore a leather jacket, black shirt with her name on the back of it, black ripped jeans and black all-star shoes. This week was a special week. 

This week is her mom's death anniversary.

"The school of arts."

"A school?" She knew that he didn't commit arson, but they gave him a job at a school?

"Yeah, I'm the janitor." He shrugged.

Ace noticed her change of style. He thought she looked attractive, but he could tell something was wrong. When they got into the car it was very quiet. All you could hear was Teagan tapping her fingers against the wheel and something going up and down in the trunk.

Teagan put on some music. She had turned on NF's perception album.

"Yeah, they say when we grow up. You'll understand when you're older. Guess I'm still a kid..." She sung the chorus and Ace looked over at her as he listened to the music.

"Anger's a liar, he ain't got no respect. I fell in love with my pain and I slept with my regrets. Happiness saw it happen, maybe that's why she up and left. Joy called me a cheater, said she ain't coming back." She rapped singing some of the second verse.

They listen to the song but then her favorite lyric came up and she had to rap it, "People change; even Satan used to be an angel." She loved NF with a passion. His songs helped her through a lot.

Once they arrived to the mall they went different ways. They had planed to meet back up an hour before he had to go to work. Teagan went to hot topic and a couple of other stores. And Ace went to any store he could that had his style, and hot topic was one of them. So they went there together.

They walked into the store and went to different sides. Teagan went to the side with chains and accessories. Whereas Ace went to the side where clothes were. They bought a couple of things. Teagan looked around for Ace to ask his opinion on a playboy necklace, but she couldn't find him. She thought that maybe he had left so she sighed and continued shopping.

A man that looked mighty familiar can up to her. "Hey I was wondering if I could get your number?" The man asked and she looked him up and down. His eyes are blue, his hair brown with light highlights. He looked just like Kaden. Her eyes went wide but she pretended like she didn't know him.

"I have a boyfriend."

"He doesn't seem to be around." Kaden said looking Teagan in her eyes.

"I'm right here." Ace said as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to his body. She felt a tingly sensation because she knew he wasn't one for physical contact. She wondered where he had gone a couple of minutes ago.

She didn't want Ace to realize who he was. So, she tried to push him out the store, but Kaden interrupted.

"Ace is that you? I knew you looked familiar, Teagan." Kaden and Ace examine him then his whole mood change. Teagan looked in his eyes she saw nothing but revenge and hatred.

"Hay buddy how was the prison life." Kaden said.

Teagan knew Kaden was stupid but she didn't know he was THAT stupid.

Ace gently but firmly moved Teagan off of him. The two men were about to fight outside a hot topic store. "It was just a couple of burns, are you still mad?" Kaden asked and Ace said nothing.

He gave his bags to Teagan for her to hold and told her to move out the way. She did just that. She didn't want the two men fighting in a mall but she also didn't want to get in the way off it.

"Oh are you going to have your little Bitch hold-." Before Kaden could get in another word Ace punch him square in the face. He still didn't say a word.

'Remind me not to make him angry.' Teagan thought as she watched Ace beat the crap out of Kaden.

Kaden only got two punches in creating a scar on the side of Ace's face because Kaden had a ring on. Once Ace felt like he was tired he pushed Kaden on the ground causing him to hurt his ankle. Teagan saw Ace whisper something in his ear, but she couldn't make out what it was.

Ace got up and walked towards the mall door avoiding the people with their phones out recording the fight. Teagan followed after him. She had got all she needed and didn't need to buy anything else so she decided that they should go.

She drove them to their home so she could clean him up. He only had a big scar on his cheek, but it was deep and she didn't want it to get infected. They had 40 minutes until Ace had to be at his second job. They walked to Ace's bathroom and she grabbed the first aid kit.

It was completely silent. She knew that he was angry and she knew it was for the best if she waited on him to talk. He hissed as she rubbed a damp towel on his lip and jaw.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"What do you mean?" She asked but as soon as she said it she thought about Justin Bieber's song.

"I know you weren't in a good mood, and you just wanted to shop, so me fighting didn't make it any better." He sighed as she rubbed cream on his face with a q-tip.

"I forgive you; I could understand why you did what you did." She said putting a band-aid on his face.

After she patched him up, she took him to work and headed to M. J's shop. When she went there, she got her regular order then asked M.J to sit with her. "Kaden and Ace got into a fight."

M.J looked shocked. "When? Where? What happened." Teagan explain what happen] and told her every detail.

"Well is Ace okay?" M.J asked with a concerned look.

"Yeah, he's fine, just a scratch. He'll be here tomorrow."

"Oh, you had me scared."

"... Do you want to see the video"? Teagan asked. She didn't take the video herself. Someone at mall took it and air dropped it to everyone.

"Yeah." M.J said and Teagan showed her the video.

"Damn." M.J said after watching it. "He looked like he had no emotion."

"Mann." Teagan agreed.

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