Chapter eight

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By Denisha
September 7th
A month later

Teagan had been busy with work and going to college that she didn't have time to spend with anyone. She did take notice that Ace had taken a notice in a woman that worked at MJ's place. She pretended not to notice but truth be told it was eating her up.

Right now, she's in MJ's barista drinking some green tea. It was Thanksgiving break and the college she goes to takes holidays very seriously. She sat there pretending to be reviewing some work project, but she was really watching Ace and Mia flirt.

"I don't know how I feel about her." MJ said causing Teagan to jump. She had no idea that she was behind her.

"You don't even know her like that Michelle." She said even though she was jealous she wasn't one to judge. "Beside you hired her, why would you hire someone you don't like?" She asked moving her eyes to the booth in her tell MJ to sit down.

"She needed a job! She gave me a sob story and it made me cry to I hired her." M.J spoke talking about the green-eyed girl in front of them.

"Mhmm." Teagan said going back to 'working'.

"We both know you're not working." MJ said giving Teagan a look. She looked over at her brother wondering what the hell he was thinking. MJ knew what he trying to do. He was trying to make Teagan jealous. MJ thought that it was childish, but she also wanted to see what was going to happen.

MJ raised her hand up in the air. "Waiter!" She yelled teasing her brother. This was going to be the first time that Teagan seen Ace in a week. They do live in the same house, but Teagan had been so busy doing tests and working that when she would get home ace would be sleep, gone to work or with Mia.

"Yes?" Ace asked playing along.

"We want an order of cinnamon twist and I want an order of large fries." M.J. said giving her brother a big smile.

"You get on my nerves." He told her and she fake gasped.

"That is no way to treat a customer." She replied to which he shook his head and looked over at Teagan. He gave her a smile as they stared at each other. He had missed her, he felt like he hadn't seen her in year, but it had only been 6 days.

"Hey." He said lowly.

"Hay." She replied but before she could say anything else Mia interrupted their conversation.

"Hi i'm Mia Farmer." Mia spoke sending glaring daggers towards Teagan. Teagan on the other hand did not have time for that today. She had never meet Mia but she did know about her from MJ and Ace.

"I'm Teagan." Teagan said politely as Ace stood their awkwardly and MJ watched the drama go down.

"You don't have a last name?" She asked smartly and MJ gasped.

"My last name is none of you concern, you may move away from our table now." Teagan said looking away and at her laptop. Mia scoffed then replied.

"Who the hell do you think you are, you're not my boss." She said crossing her arms.

"Well I am so I'd advise you to go back to working." MJ said to Mia and she did what she was told but not before rolling her eyes at Teagan.

"Why did you do her like that?" Ace asked MJ, not realizing that he kind of hurt Teagan's feelings. She felt as though he thought that she was in the wrong and Mia did nothing wrong.

"What do you mean, did you not see how rude she was to Teagan?" MJ asked.

Ace being a bit dumb he said something that he would later regret. "That doesn't matter, you shouldn't have said that to her." MJ looked at him like he was crazy. She almost punched him. Teagan on the other hand was upset also but instead of saying anything she calmly got up and walk out of the shop but not before calmly saying, "Never mind on that order."

MJ had only seen her mad like that once. She smacked her brother on the top of his head. "Why would you say something like that Ace?" Ace felt very stupid. As soon as he said he had wish he didn't.

"I-I don't know."

"Well I know you better apologize." She said as she walk to the back. She was over his childish BS today.  "I still am getting my food though." She added.

Two hours later.

Ace walked into their the house he shared with Teagan. He hung his jacket up beside the door. Then he went into his room and changed. He didn't know if Teagan was there or not. So he went into the kitchen and grabbed a pop tart then he went outside of Teagan's door.

"Muffin?" He knocked. He heard the TV's volume get louder. He sighed then got louder. "Muffin, I'm sorry, can you open the door?" He asked as he lean up against it know she wasn't going to open it.

"Teagan, if you don't say something right now I'll open the door myself." He said then waited a couple of minutes before opening it. He slowly opened the door to see Teagan laying in her bed typing on her computer.

"Teagan?" He questions to see if she was going to answer. She didn't instead of answering she just started typing louder and harder. He came over to her and sat down beside her on the bed.

"Can we talk?" He asked slowly pulling her laptop away from her lap while closing it.

"What for?" She asked finally looking at him. He could see the anger in her eyes.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier." He spoke looking her in the eyes.

"I forgive you; now can I get my laptop back?" She asked reaching over to his lap to get it but he gently grabbed her hands.

"Muffin look at me." He said stopping his sentence in the middle of it to gently make her look at him by using two fingers. "I'm serious, I'm really sorry. I did not mean to hurt your feelings." He said looking her in the eyes. He had had a bad habit of hurting her feelings, but she nodded as if telling him that she really forgives him.

He gave her a smile before speaking. "Can I make it up to you by giving you free food?" He asked giving her a smirk. She thought about it for a few seconds before saying,

"You know I can't turn down free food."

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