Chapter fifteen

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December 20th
Denisha <3

A few days later.

It was Teagan's off day so she was at the barista bright and early. Okay maybe not bright and early but it was 9 am so early enough.

She noticed that 3 men were sitting in the booth in front of her. They looked like they were about business. They had sat down five minutes ago.

She was very observant but not as much as Ace. He had seen them when they were walking from their car. He knew what they wanted. They were there to nicely threatened him.

He sighed and went over there while Teagan watched. She was very nosy.

"Can I take your order?" He said in a monotone voice. Teagan noticed that, that was how he sounded when he first got out of prison.

"Yes we'll have 3 black coffees and when you come back we want you to sit down with us Black." The man with a big scar going from his jaw to his eyebrows said. As the other two nodded.

"What for?" He asked pretending to be clueless. While Teagan wonder why they called him 'Black.'

He went to the back and made their coffees. Then asked a waitress to cover for him. He brought the men their orders and sat in front of two them and beside one.

"Black! Buddy how have you been?" Scar man asked.

"Cut to the chase Alex. What do you want?"

"That's no way to speak to your boss, now is it?" Teagan heard scar man asked with a smirk. Boss, what type of boss? She asked herself.

"Anyways we came here to tell you that Alex here is retiring and sadly your his right hand man so you now have the position." The older man with red hair said rolling his eyes.

"I don't want the job Rylan." He said mugging the man with red hair.

"You don't want what happened to your little friend in prison to happen to Michelle and Teagan do you?" Rylan said making everyone turn and look at Teagan.

She quickly pretended to type on her computer. And the man that hasn't said anything laughed.

"Don't fucking touch them." Ace said making them look back at him. As he made eye contact with Teagan then back to them.

"So I'm guessing you're taking the job?" Alex asked.

"Yes." Ace breathed out.

"Good I know you don't work tomorrow so I'll be at your house bright and early." Rylan said.

"No you will not come to my house. I'll meet you here."

Rylan looked like he wanted to say something but he instead nodded. "Yes boss. 8:30?" He asked.

"Yeah now leave." Ace ordered. And they did just that. Teagan was so confused but she had a feeling that whatever it was it wasn't legal.

Ace looked over at her and shook his head as if telling her not to ask about it. And she nodded before trying to go back to typing but she couldn't get that conversation out of her head.


Ace was quiet the whole way home. Once they got there he went straight to his room. He knew he was going to have to tell Teagan about what just happen. He went to the kitchen. He knew food always made her feel better. He cook a big meal. It took about an hour to make so he knew they would have leftovers. A couple mintues after he got done Teagan came out of her room and to the kitchen.

"It smells good Ace." Teagan said hitting Ace on the butt as she came behind him while he fixed their plates.

"Don't do that shit no more Muffin." He chuckled.

"My bad Mr.Black." She said laughing making Ace glare at her.

"Don't call me that. It's Ace."

"But they-" He cut her off.

"You're not them." He said walking to the table with their plates. They sat down and ate for a couple of minutes before Ace spoke.

"I'm into some illegal stuff. And I think I should let you know since I'm staying in your house." Ace said making Teagan look at him, nodding for him to continue.

"Basically I'm into some Mafia, gang type shit. I got into it when I was in prison trying to survive. I didn't want to at first but then Alex threatened one of the only friends I made in there and he basically almost killed him." He said as his face harden thinking about it.

Teagan thought for a while before she spoke making Ace nervous. "So what was that offer they were talking about?" She knew the less she knew the better but she also didn't want to be ignorant to the subject.

"They want me to be the new head of the gang. That sounded so corny." Ace said laughing a bit. Teagan smiled at the last sentence.

"So im guessing you're the new boss?" She asked and he nodded. She just stared at him in shock. That could put her in dangerous situations. She knew they wasn't together but she also knew that they were close and that people could use that to their advantage.

"Don't worry I will make sure nothing happens to you or M.J. I promise you." He said sincerely. She wanted to say don't make promises you can't keep. But she decided to keep it to herself.

"So how do you feel about the situation?" He asked her taking a sip of his drink.

"The real question is how do YOU feel?"She questioned.

"I don't even know. I don't want to do this at all but I also don't want y'all to get hurt so I don't have a choice." He said shrugging his shoulders.

She honestly didn't know what to say so she just stared at him. The continued to eat before she decided to change the subject. "So I'm supposed to have a new CEO where I work."

He looked at her and smiled. "Oh really?" He asked and she nodded. He couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" She asked looking up at him.

"I'm your new CEO." He smirked.

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