Chapter seventeen

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By Denisha <3
December 26 2020
(I'm about to piss y'all off with this update, I pissed myself off with this one. Like I really hurt my own feelings)

Today Teagan was at Ace people house. They had already went to M.J's house but they didn't stay long because of Steve. But they stayed long enough to get a to go plate.

Teagan and Luca were playing the game. They had rode over there in Ace's car. Ace had left to go to the grocery store to get something for momma Rosie. 

"You like my uncle don't you?" Luca asked. Teagan laughed at him.

"Maybe." She spoke as she had just killed him in the game because he was distracted.

He had texted her and ask if they were coming over there for thanksgiving so they could talk about something, but she didn't know it was going to be this.

"Now Tía you know you like Tío Ace."

"Whatever nigga, you not finna get me caught up."

"Anyways, I got a girlfriend." He said popping his little collar.

"Boy what you doing having a girl aren't you 8?"

"Chill, I'm finna be 9 in a month." He said making her laugh.

"Whatever lil boy."

"Wassup with it princesa?" Teagan heard Tiko saying as he came into the living room.

"Hey T."

"Don't be so dry, where my hug at?" He asks motioning for her to stand up.

"Hell no, don't you see me trying to win." Teagan said shooing him away. He smacked his lips as he walked to the kitchen.

Ace walked through the door looking angrier than usual. The last round she played with Luca she let him win. She walked over to Ace as he sat down on the couch after he gave Momma Rosie the things she needed.

"You, okay?" She said as she plopped down beside him.

"I'm good." He spoke putting his head in his hand. He had to stop his relations with Teagan. He hated it but he didn't want her hurt after the information he just found out. He was going to say some dumb shit when they got to the house.

"Are you sure? You seem mad?" She said leaning on him.

"I'm good Teagan, damn stop being irritating." He said shrugging her off. He hated treating her like this but he had to. She got off of him and starred at him for a couple of seconds before getting on her phone.

Who pissed in his cereal? She thought as she rolled her eyes.

****2 hours later****

The car ride was quiet and all you could hear was the low music playing.

Once they got to the house Teagan put her food in the fridge and sat down on the couch to watch NCIS. She loves her some Gibbs.

Ace went and took a shower while she watched tv. An hour later he came to the kitchen to get him a glass of water.

"Ace, let me talk to you about something." Teagan spoke as she followed him to the kitchen.

She confessed.

She told him how she liked him for months and she couldn't stop thinking about him and he just starred at her. He wanted to tell her he felt the same but instead he said something worse.

"I don't know what for. I don't like you and I never will."

"What?" She asked her voice cracking a little.

"Yeah I never liked you like that." He said trying to walk away but she stood in his way.

"So why you been playing with my feelings? Doing all this affectionate shit like you really like me and then say something like this?" She asked feeling hurt and confused.

"Shid ion know what to tell you, you're nothing to me." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"You deadass like no jokes?"


"That's some pussy shit. How you gone tell people we together and take me out places with your lil weak ass gang and then tell me I'm nothing?"

Her calling the mafia weak made him laugh at little because it was too funny, but he had to be serious. He also laughed because it was the number 1 in that region but that was besides the point. He was ruining any chances he had with her so he had to say a low blow.

"I was bored and desperate." He was beating himself up on the inside. She looked at him shocked and really confused.

"Tell me how you really feel then, since it's so funny." She said sarcastically but he took it seriously.

"I find you annoying and a pushover. You're probably the reason your mother- ." He cut himself off as soon as he said it he wish he could of rewind but he can't and he has to deal with it. 

She was now full on tears.

"Damn, that's how you feel?"  She asked tears running down her face. He wanted to wipe them and tell her no and that he loves her but he can't. All he did was shrug.

"You lucky im not a bad person or I would bring up that's situation with M.J and how you almost got her killed cause you wanted to hang out with Kaden stupid ass or your father or maybe your dead beat ass real mother and how she let you get beat on and-" she cut her self off.

"You know what? Im done with this conversation."

"I guess we both some fucked up people?" Ace asked to which Teagan nodded.

"I guess so."

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