Chapter twenty one

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By Denisha<3
January 21, 2021

Ace had been in a coma for five days. Teagan didn't know what to do. To be honest she was stressing. She couldn't explain to his people on why he got shot so she came up with this bull shit ass story on how the bullet wasn't meant for their house.

Everybody had been their to see him. Except Steve of course, he had stayed in the car when Oliva had came up there to see her son.

Teagan hadn't even told anybody other then Ace and M.J that she was pregnant. She didn't want to be selfish when Ace had just got into a coma.

She had know taken over the gang while Ace couldn't be there. They were hesitant of course at letting her be over it but they had no choice because K.J said she could and that was final.

Now she was sitting in the hospital room with Momma Rosie. She had just gotten done throwing up before Rosie came.

"He was into some bad shit wasn't he?" Rosie said making Teagan surprised.

"Momma Ros-" Rosie had cut her off.

"Don't lie to me Teagan." She spoke seriously making Teagan nod her head.

"And now you're in it also?" She asked and again Teagan nodded again.

Rosie sighed. "I would say I don't want you involved but it's too late so all I can say is make sure nothing happens to my grand child."

"H-how did you know?" She asked, Damn momma Rosie knows everything, huh? She thought before getting her answer.

"Im not dumb honey, you've been light headed, and throwing up and showing other symptoms. Did he know?"

"Yeah I told him like right before he got shot."

"Hmm, we'll I'll be back in two days." She said before standing up and walking over to Ace. She leaned down and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Then she did the same for Teagan, "Don't stress to hard because if something happens to my grandchild, I'm killing both of y'all asses." She said before smiling and taking her leave.

Rosie had always scared Teagan. And Ace for that matter.

She sat there in silence for a while before she got a phone call. "Hello?" She asked not feeling like talking.

"Look I found his last location. He's still in Ohio. I hope you know he's going to be hard to trace. He wasn't Alex second hand man for no reason." K.J spoke. This had been the most she heard him speak since Ace got shot.

"Let me call Alex." Not a lot of people had know about Ace being shot. She knew Alex had know but she also knew no one had told him about it. Of course he had his ways.

"Alex?" She asked as she heard him answer the phone.

"What's up Sweetheart? Any news on Ace?" He asked and she responded.

"No but we both know who shot him." She spoke getting straight to the point.

"Okay?" He asked wanting to know where she was going with this?"

"I need help finding Rylan."

"And why should I help you?" He asked.

"Wouldn't you want revenge on someone who betrayed you and your former gang?"

"I know he betrayed the gang but how so me?"

"We'll I thought you was smart enough to know he was fucking your wife Alex."

It went quiet for a couple of moments.

"And how do you know this?"

"God damn, I'm not the smartest box of rocks but everyone knows they had something going on. You didn't notice when they were at the 'Dance' they both went to the bathroom together. Ask K.J."

He sighed, "I told that bitch that if she was going to cheat not to embarrass me. Fine, it's going to be hard to find him. He learned from me and I taught him almost everything I know."

"So are you going to help?" She asked switching him to her AirPods.

"Yeah meet me at the spot in 30 minutes." He spoke and she heard a lot of moving and a random females voice. She hung up and shook her head.

"If his dumbass hadn't of even came to Ace about this we wouldn't be in this situation."

"What you say to me?" He asked and she looked down at her phone quickly.

"Nothing, my bad." She said and hung up for real this time.

She gave Ace a kiss on the cheek before leaving the hospital.


She had met up with Alex and they came up with a plan. All Rylan had to do was fall for the trap and she knew that was going to take a whole. But now that she had that settled she had to take care of the gang's needs and her own.


March 27, 2021

It was Ace's birthday. Of course he's an Aries and so is Teagan but her birthday is in April. Aries is definitely the best Zodiac sigh hands down.

He was still in the coma and had made no progress. Teagan was hopeful that he would come out of it but to be honest she was beginning to lose hope.

The gang had started to trust and respect her. They knew vaguely that Ace was in the hospital but they also knew not to ask to many questions.

She was starting to show. I mean is almost 4 months pregnant and she had her little baby bump. She wore baggy clothes to keep from being questioned. Of course she had told Ace's family and done if her's.

"Ace, dudeeee I miss you. It's your birthday. You've gotten so old. Big 25. Anyways, I'm still trying to get M.J to keep up with her end of the bet. So our kids can be the same age." She laughed before continuing with what was going on. She talked to him everyday about everything that was going on.

"We are close to finding Rylan. He was in Mississippi two weeks ago but we know he'll back. And I knew we'll catch him especially with the help of Alex. I know you don't want me apart of this world so I'll change the subject." She sniffled.

"I'm starting to show, she's a girl. I found out yesterday. Teagan and I had a bet. I wanted a boy and she wanted a girl so she won. I haven't told her yet but of course im happy with what we have. As long as she's healthy. I'm scared. I'm scared that you won't be able to be there for the birth. I know I have 5 more months but still."

"I don't even know if you can hear me. I hope you can. I'm thinking of names. I don't even know where to start. I don't like doing this alone. I know I have Teagan and everybody but this shit is scary." She laughed again at the fact that she was crying.

"Ace our child is literally going to be Black, Mexican, and white. Oh the controversy. She's going to have different cultures and I want her to know both of them. I would say all three but what really is Caucasian culture?" She giggled before changing the subject again.

She talked to him for another hour before she had to leave to take care of some business and she has an doctors appointment.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She said before kissing his cheek and leaving.

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