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I am supposed to be editing everything but I think I ended up deleting this chapter...

I dont know how to cook so im sorry if it doesn't make sense lmao.

"Wow Satie, you look beautiful with your hair that way", Princess' mom compliments me.

I play with my hair and I cant lie, it feels weird to not have it long. Princess cut my hair to my ears, guess its big or go home.

"Thanks, I have to go home now", I bow to them both and walk home.

Having short hair makes me feel better, its crazy how a hair style can change your mood. I practically skip home and I cant help but laugh to myself. Its so nice to feel something.

When I get home Im even happier to remember my family went out. I run inside and jump onto the couch, kicking my legs like a child.

"Nice hair", I yell out and fall of the couch. I look up and see the tall man ive been waiting for, for what felt like years.

How can this day get better.

I cover my face with my palms, "Oh my gosh", I laugh. "That scared the shit out of me", I see him giggle and I swear I almost died.

"Im here to talk about the wedding", he lets out a hand and im the happiest girl in the world. He helps me up and I realize how swollen my feet are. I have done more than slow walk for a month since ive been in a horrible condition.

I try not to look like an old lady.

"Did you hurt yourself?", he raises a brow.

"Oh, no. I have always had bad knees. Just ignore it.", I lie. "Did you want tea?", I change the subject.

"Yes please", I stand up, regretting the offer. "What made you cut your hair. There aren't many hairstyles for short hair"

is he bringing up the wedding? I try my best not to squeal like a little girl.

"I needed a change", I place the water on top of the stove.

"Your parents didn't mind?", he asks.

"Oh... they dont know", I laugh. Grabbing some cups. "Are you hungry?"

"No thank you. I've had it planned out already but I just thought it was a good idea to tell you before hand to make sure everything was perfect for everyone."

"Im not picky, but I did have one request", my hands shake as I lift the pot.

"And that is?", he ask.

"I didn't want white", I pour the tea. "I was thinking of maybe a colored dress, like black."

"Why is that? Because its going to be like a funeral", he scoffs like he expected me to say this.

"Actually, I just think the white dress is too common", I place the cup of tea down.

"Oh... Well I can change that", he writes down a note and I smile as I watch him drink the tea.

"Are you sure your not hungry?", I ask and he looks like he is second guessing his first answer.

He looks so skinny.

"If its not too much", He smiles.

"Ofcourse not", pull myself up, my weak knees fight me but I ignore it. "Is a sandwhich okay or did you want something specific.

"Can I get some noodles?", he looks up like a little child and I turn away to hide my blush.

"Ofcourse", I grab the ingredients. I squat down to grab the pots. For some reason I am so annoyed but I try not to show it.

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