Chapter Eight, Jasper Meets Jayden

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Chapter Eight, Jasper meets Jayden

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Chapter Eight, Jasper meets Jayden

It has been a hectic few weeks since Margot had the picnic with Jasper in the meadow. During that time the two mates made time to meet when they could as their schedule - more so Margot's - had become rather hectic; so much so Jasper feared she would collapse from exhaustion. Not only did she have work - which included planning lessons and marking homework with Eva, looking after her son full time (not that she would change a thing about that), but she was also helping Cara adjust to becoming a shifter, as well as doing patrols on top of everything. Plus, she was meeting Jasper every few days to soothe the bond, her wolf, Jasper's other side, Major, but to also catch a bit of a break. With the arrival of Cara in the pack, however, meant Margot wasn't the only female in a male dominated (by numbers only) pack but also the shifts could become more even now that Cara was adjusting.

Although, Margot was still the smallest in wolf form as Cara was taller than Margot while still being slim and sleek, but she only slightly smaller than the boys and was a beautiful light grey with black spotted fur. It didn't really bother Margot as it just meant she was still the reigning champion for being the fastest. As for Jasper, he had been working extremely hard on the house that he would share with his son, mate and Paul as he wouldn't separate the trio as Paul had been their rock for two years and it was big enough for all of them. It was almost finished and Jasper hoped to surprise her with it around his graduation, when they could move in together.

During Margot's and Jasper's many talks, Margot has decided to let Jasper meet her heart, her adorable baby boy. And as it was Friday the following day, Paul had a half day so he would pick her up in the Impala with Jayden. They would then head to the park on the Rez - as none of the townspeople of Forks went to this one - where Jasper would meet them. And neither Jasper nor Margot could wait.


Friday morning, Margot woke up feeling rather excited and nervous as she got herself ready with a cool shower while Jayden was still sleeping peacefully.
'I need to start making a list for Jayden's second birthday.' Margot thought, lathering coconut shampoo into her hair. Making a mental list of all the things she needed to buy or order. Once she'd finished her daily routine, towels wrapped around her body and head, she made her way back to her bedroom. Only to pause by her son's bedroom when she heard quiet whispers from within. Immediately her hackles went up, trembles wracking her body until she recognised the voice as her twin brother, Paul's voice. Smiling fondly she carried on into her bedroom, pausing to add the mental list to her reminders on her phone before changing into her black lace underwear and black tights.

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