Chapter Twelve, First Date

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Chapter Twelve, First Date

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Chapter Twelve, First Date

After New Year had passed, Jasper invited Margot out for their first official date; a picnic in the perfect spot he'd found, while hunting. He was feeling rather excited and nervous at the same time as it was their first date. He would've loved to take her out and spoil her but he knew questions would be asked if he did so right now; questions they couldn't afford to be thought of, let alone asked. After a quick shower and running a brush through his damp honey-blond curls, Jasper changed into a pair of dark indigo jeans, a blue shirt with a white cardigan over the top. Satisfied, Jasper raced over to the Lahote house on the Rez. Upon arrival, Jasper nervously checked over the bouquet of brightly coloured wildflowers and sunflowers he held in front of him as he raised a fist to knock on the door. He had just let out a calming breath when the door was opened, and he was greeted to the sight of a smiling Paul.

"Hi Paul."
"Hey Jasper."
The pair greeted each other with a man hug before Paul stepped back allowing Jasper to enter his home.
"Marlie is just quickly changing Jay as he wouldn't let anyone else do it." Paul explained with a fond eye roll and a fond smile on his face as he thought of his nephew, leading Jasper into the living room.
"I'll be down in a minute!" Margot shouted.
"Take your time darling." Jasper called back, as he knew Alice and Claire wouldn't take the food there just yet so he didn't have to worry about it being spoiled by wild animals. While they waited the two men chatted amicably, laughing at the prank Jasper and Emmett had pulled on stuck-up-Edward - as suggested by Margot and Paul - when they heard the sound of Margot coming back downstairs.

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