Alois Trancy | GN

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"Alois?" You call out, hoping to get an answer, but you got silence in response. This somewhat frustrates you and you look over at Claude who only shrugs. It was like the young blond to ignore you, sometimes he made it into a game, but when it came to his butler, it was most likely something serious. "He's been like this since this morning, (F/n)."

"Alois fucking Trancy," you exclaim before placing your hand on the doorknob, "I'm coming in." Claude made no move to stop you, so you took that as permission and walked in, shutting the door behind you.

Your attention was focused on the lump of blankets on the bed and you sigh under your breath before walking up to the side of it. "Alois, darling, at least grunt or something." He does just that, but that's all he does and he goes back to being silent. Kicking your shoes off, you get on the bed, pulling the blankets up, and slip under them.

Alois' cheeks are stained with tears and he smiles at you as if trying to hide the fact that he was sad. The duvet is now surrounding the two of you in a soft, pillowy cloud. "Hey," you murmur, wiping the stray tear from his cheek with your thumb. He brings his hand up, holding yours to his face.

"Hello." His voice was soft, a bit strained from crying, "what do you need? As you can see, I'm very busy." A sympathetic look rests on your face as he moves his body closer to yours. "You're very warm, (F/n)," he explains, grabbing your free arm to rest around his waist, and you draw shapes across his back. You've always done this since he seemed to enjoy it. His right hand is now under the back of your shirt, as if craving skin on skin contact. "I guess you could stay."

Alois doesn't bother to open his eyes as he basically basks in your warmth. "I'd rather it be you than Claude anyhow." You begin to draw a web on his back out of habit and he immediately huffs at the feeling, causing you to draw hearts and stars instead.

"Did something happen between you two?" He responds with a soft, "no." "Do you want to talk about it, darling?" You get the same response and nod your head slightly, "that's fine, but I'm not leaving until you feel better."

Finally, Alois gives you a small smile and opens his eyes. You can see the hopeful look behind the pretty blue and this causes a smile of your own. "I wouldn't want it any other way, (F/n)."

𝑺𝒐𝒇𝒕 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑯𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒆𝒂Where stories live. Discover now