Shoto Todoroki | F

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You were hunched over your desk, your back threatening to stiffen, and your hand ached with each marking.

You were so close to being finished with your homework, the taste of freedom was itching the tip of your tongue. Yet, the motivation you had to finish the papers in front of you quickly crumbled when heavy footsteps sounded outside your door.

Without so much as a knock, Mina Ashido bounces into your room, causing irritation to spread through you, but smiles widely. "Would you care to join us for game night?"

"Yes." With a disinterested frown, you shake your head at your pink friend in an attempt to get her to leave. "I don't have time to play games, Mina, I was trying to work." The acid user whines dramatically before throwing her arms around your shoulders from behind. "Please, F/n! Is there anything I can do to make you want to play?"

You blow a wisp of air from your lips to blow the strand of hair from your face, thinking over the question. "Could you wait until I'm done? Then I'll do what you want." Mina squeals into your ear, causing you to cringe away from the sound.

"Of course! I'm sure I can distract them long enough," she exclaims as she pulls away from you, "everyone will be downstairs." This catches your attention and you quirk your left eyebrow at the statement.

"Everyone? As in all of them?" Mina scrunches her nose at the statement and shakes her head and you get the hint. Everyone except Minata since he'd rig the game to get the girls with the biggest boobs. Well, he wasn't exactly in the dorms to play, so neither of you felt bad that he wasn't there.

Before you can ask any more questions, Mina clasps her pink hands together, spins in an exaggerated circle, and makes a kissy face. "Todoroki agreed to play." Of course, the pink-haired girl knew of your heavy crush on the half and half quirk user. Well, everyone did except for Todoroki, of course. He was pretty dense in that department.

You place your pen on the wooden desk, finally relieving your hand from any cramps, and you immediately stand up. "Homework can wait." Mina's black eyes practically glow with excitement and she giggles at the reaction.

The two of you leave the room. As you follow a much eager Mina into the common area, you notice everyone was sitting in a circle and bottle in the middle.

There was an empty spot next to Todoroki and another beside Bakugou. As much as the blond got on your nerves, you weren't sure if they'd be able to keep up with being next to Todoroki.

Mina seemed to have different ideas as she pushed you towards Todoroki's direction and she plops down next to Bakugou. Mentally sighing, you sit down next to the half-and-half boy. Midoriya was on your left while Todoroki was on your right.

"Now that everyone's here! We're going to be playing seven minutes in heaven!" Mina claps her hands together and points to you, "(F/n) will go first since she was the last to arrive." All eyes were on you now- minus Todoroki's- and you shift uncomfortably in your spot before leaning forward to spin the bottle.

It spins quickly before coming to a slow stop and you hold your breath before it lands on your crush. The girls began giggling, some of the boys whistled and you exhaled quietly.

Standing up from your seat, you walk towards the closest room and Todoroki follows behind you, shutting the door behind him.

"What do we do?" Todoroki questions and you lean against the wall beside the door, your arms crossed against your chest.

Of course, no one explained it to him, he probably wouldn't have played otherwise.

You shrug, but you think of the quickest way to explain it. "We can do magic tricks or something."

He gives you a puzzled look and you smile to yourself at his expression. "I don't know how to do magic."

"I was kidding," you explain as he stands there awkwardly, looking at his hands. "Usually people tell secrets, kiss, or other things."

"Would you kiss me?" His sudden question takes you back and you stare into his mismatched eyes, taking notice of the cute blush across his cheeks. You nod, trying to ignore the sudden bubbles in the pit of your stomach.

You both take a step forward and rest one of your hands on his cheeks, the contrast of warm and cold not bothering you. Todoroki's hands find your waist and he pulls you closer before placing his lips against yours.

His lips mold against yours perfectly and you let out a satisfied hum. You push against him further, taking in the sweet contact until he pulls away. "You're a good kisser," you say and place another quick kiss against his soft lips.

"I'm surprised, I've never kissed anyone else." You weren't exactly surprised that you were his first kiss considering he didn't show interest in anyone, but the fact that you were made you feel giddy inside.

"May I take you out on a date?" Todoroki suddenly asks and you nod without much thought.

"Of course. I'd love to."

𝑺𝒐𝒇𝒕 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑯𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒆𝒂Where stories live. Discover now