Tamaki Amajiki | F

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You sigh, messaging your scalp, before pushing your feet against the floor, allowing the chair to slide to the middle of the room. "Babe," you grumble, staring at the ceiling as you lean your head against the back of the chair. "I wish he would call me that." You fold your hands across your stomach, letting out a long sigh. "Hell, I wouldn't mind if he called me princess."

You were thinking out loud again. A bad habit of yours? Yes, of course. Did anything good come from it? Not usually, no.

"Cute ass, Suneater," you say, moving your feet across the floor so the chair could spin in a circle. Your mind wanders to the indigo-haired boy and a lopsided grin falls on your lips. "He just plays with my emotions without knowing," you stand up from my chair, as to not get too dizzy, and exit your dorm room before heading to the kitchen.

Pushing your body forward, you slide, your sock-covered feet taking you into the kitchen, but don't notice the other person standing there. You bump into a now flustered Tamaki before falling against him, crashing the two of you on the floor. "C-careful," he says, slightly stuttering, his cheeks now pink as he looks away.

"I'm sorry, Amajiki," you mumble, "Did you hit your head?" You put your hand under his head but quickly notice you're straddling him. He seems to notice at the same time, his face turning red, the tips of his ears darkening as well.

"Holy shit, I'm so sorry." You place both your hands against the floor on either side of his head, causing him to look away. You push yourself up and stand above him, holding your hand out. This is so cliché. You think, waiting for him to grab your hand.

A flash of disappointment crosses his eyes, but they immediately widen as they trail to your crotch. "(L/n)." He gasps under his breath, "y- your underwear is, u-um sh- showing."

He seemed to be paralyzed to the floor, but you laugh slightly before standing between his legs, closing yours as you keep your hand out. "Well?" He nods at you, grasping your hand. You pull him up, giving him a small smile as his cheeks were still crimson.

"Did you hit your head?" The words leave your mouth a second time and he nods, avoiding eye contact. "I could massage it for you," you jokingly state as you bend down towards the freezer.

He eyes your backside, biting his tongue as he does so. He leans against the counter behind him, hoping to keep himself from collapsing at the embarrassment that he felt. When you stand back up, he's looking in the opposite direction. "Y-you can. If-if you w-want to, (L/n)." Tamaki wanted you to hold his head again, he found it comforting.

You shrugged, laying the icepack on the counter, behind him, and stood in front of him. His breathing quickened as your front was flush against his. Your right hand traveled to the back of his head to the spot you assumed he landed on. "Here?" You question, running your fingers through his hair before messaging his scalp. He hummed at you, unable to process words. You two were complete opposites and that's what you two liked about each other.

"Wrap your hands around my waist." You were confident and knew what you wanted. "It'll be more comfortable."

He felt his knees almost give out. "O-oh." And he was awkward and could barely hold a conversation with most people.

Nonetheless, he didn't want to upset you as he linked his hands behind your back, practically pulling you closer. He closed his eyes as he felt your chest against his. "Can I kiss you?" Your sudden question made him squeak, but he nodded, his cheeks becoming an absolute blushed mess. "You're going to have to say it. I need verbal permission."

He felt as if he could die right then and there. "K-kiss me." You waited, seeing if he'd beg further. You intertwined both hands in his hair as you bit your lip. "Kiss me, pl-please." You pull his face towards yours, tilting your head as both pairs of lips make contact. He felt hot against your skin as he let out a small, inaudible moan against your lips.

He felt his face burn as he moved his lips against yours. You were his first kiss and he didn't know what the hell to do, so he just copied your movements.

Tamaki only hoped you were enjoying this as much as he was. He moved his hands lower to your bottom and he squeezed slightly, not knowing what to do. When he earned a moan from you, he couldn't help but feel flustered.

You pulled away, taking in a happy sigh. "I've been waiting to do that for so long." You kissed his jaw, and he bit his lip. "Thank you."

He watched as you traveled down his neck, leaving butterfly kisses around his collar. He felt a small wave of confidence fall over him.

"Let's d-do that again." You pulled your face away from his neck and smiled softly at him. "Please."

𝑺𝒐𝒇𝒕 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑯𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒆𝒂Where stories live. Discover now