5 ~ New bandmates + rehearsal = total chaos

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"Hu Tao, Xiangling and Yanfei. They're going to be your new bandmates." A woman with brown-orange hair, tied up in a ponytail, told you. "I'm Verr, 4nemo's manager." She introduced herself, holding out a hand for you to shake. "Y/n, pleased to meet you." You shook it. 

"Alright boys, let's finally start rehearsal."

"Huff...This is -- gah -- tiring..." You panted as you tried to follow Xiao, Aether, Venti and Kazuha's dance and failing. The girl called Xiangling groaned, "Whew, this is hard..." Hu Tao and Yanfei nodded in agreement. "How about we take a small break and get to know each other better?" Yanfei called from the floor, since she was lying down. Everyone unanimously agreed and sat down cross-legged in a circle. 

You surveyed the 3 girls. Yanfei had light pink hair and jade-green eyes. Her smile was genuine but her eyes glimmered with a mischievous yet serious look. Hu Tao's hair was dark brown and tied up in twin pigtails, her eyes a bright, intent red. Yet there was also a trouble-making vibe you were getting from her. Xiangling had short, dark blue hair, braided to resemble a bow at the back of her head. A small bear clip was on her fringe, her amber eyes wide with excitement. She seemed like the most responsible out of the three girls. 

"Okay, sooo," Xiangling started, "Let's start by self-introductions!" 

Hu Tao went first. "Well, hey. I'm Hu Tao, and...there's not much to say about me, except I love love love ghosts and spooky stories!! Hehe~" Xiangling immediately turned pale. "I-I'm not a huge fan of spooky stories..." You laughed. "Don't worry, neither am I!" She immediately looked reassured. "Great! Hello everyone, I'm Xiangling, and I have a pet dog called Guoba! He's the cutest~!!" She gushed, whipping out her phone to show you pictures. "He's adorable!! Anyways, I'm Yanfei, pleased to meet you. I'm actually descended from a line of idols, and my brothers -- well, one of them at least -- is, right there." She pointed to the 4 boys who were rehearsing, her finger landing on a short male with spiky dark green hair. "YOUR BROTHER IS XIAO??" "THAT'S SO COOL YANFEIIIII~" She turned pink. "W-Well, I have a sister too. Ganyu. And Zhong Li is my older brother. So, naturally, I'd be influenced by them, no?" "Ohhh, yeah." Realisation dawned on you. "It's my turn now, then. Hey there, I'm y/n, and I...uh, may have a small crush on Kazuha-" You said the last few words quietly. "AW THAT'S SO SWEET!!" Xiangling burst out, which caused the boys to turn their heads. "Oops, sorry!!" She apologised. You forgave her. "Sooo~" Yanfei suddenly had a smug look on her face. "W-What?" "Tell us all the details bestie~!! We gotta know if he's a good match for you." Hu Tao crawled towards you. "Oh, sure, I guess." You started off by telling them how you met him, and then the events up till now. 

"Damn girl, he walked in on you while you were showering??" "You sang together, how sweet!!" "Do you have the polaroids on you now?" You were bombarded with questions from Xiangling and Hu Tao, making your head spin. "Woah woah, give the girl some space!" Yanfei helped you regain breathing room. "I don't get it though. How did you fall in love with him after you just met him?" Yanfei narrowed her eyes. 

Oh, shoot.

"Oh, uh well- Um that is-" You stammered. How would you explain it? Let them know, or keep it quiet??

"Ohh, I get it. It's like love at first sight! How romantic~!!" Xiangling chimed in. True, you had fallen in love with him partly because of his looks. For now, you decided, that explanation would be good enough.

"Hey ladies! Sorry to interrupt your little gossip session, but start practising!!" Verr yelled at the four of you from the other side of the room, making you jump. Yanfei sighed, asking, "How good can you guys dance?"

"Apparently, not very well." Hu Tao blew strands of her fringe off her face when she released a puff of air. Turns out none of you had good coordination skills, which led to the dance being uncoordinated. Add in a poor memory, missing beats, and clumsiness, and that equates to a total mess. "C'mon ladies, off your behinds! Let's show those boys what you can do!!" "Huh?" you all wondered aloud. "Ah, girls. This is Lumine, your manager." Verr ushered a blonde-haired girl over to us. Her walnut-yellow eyes did a once-over of you all before she sighed. "It may not have been such a good idea to give them such a difficult dance. We should go. I'll bring them to the agency." She said, pulling out her phone to call for a taxi. "Oh, of course. The boys will be coming back soon with lunch; after that you can leave." Verr said. "The...boys??" Lumine asked confusedly.

"Verr, we're back from buying lunch~!" Venti's voice came through the doorway. You four were so distracted dancing that you hadn't even noticed the boys had left. They trudged through the doorway, hands laden with plastic bags of food containers. Lumine's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw Kazuha walk through the door, and she sidled away to hide behind Verr. "W-Wha??" She stuttered. "Shh, just help me, please?" Lumine smiled. Verr heaved a sigh and allowed Lumine to hide. Just as Aether entered, she snickered. You looked at the two. They resembled each other quite a lot. Could it be...?

As Aether set down the food on the floor, he went over to sit down, back completely facing away from Lumine. Lumine then crept out from behind Verr, signalling to the other members to keep quiet. Venti grinned, nodding, while Xiao and Kazuha just shook their heads. Aether had just opened up his lunch and was putting a spoonful of rice in his mouth when Lumine grabbed his shoulders and yelled, "Boo!!" That caused Aether to jump and choke on his rice. "Ahahaha~!!" Lumine laughed at Aether. "Sis??" He spluttered. "Ehe~! Miss me?" Lumine cheekily giggled. Venti hurried over to Aether, passing him a bottle of water.

Once Aether stopped choking, he shook his head. "Why are you here?" He asked. Lumine smiled, then pointed to the four of you, who were sitting at the corner, enjoying your lunch together. His jaw practically fell open. "Alright you-" Aether grabbed her arm and pulled her aside, whispering words into her ears. She smirked and whispered something back that caused him to flush. He stormed away while Lumine crossed her arms and grinned smugly. 

"Siblings, huh?" Hu Tao mused aloud through a mouthful of rice. "I bet she just teased him." Yanfei laughed. "O-kay everyone! Let's exchange numbers!!" Xiangling eagerly whipped out her phone. You all laughed at her enthusiasm and gave each other your numbers, along with Lumine, who whispered to you, "Do you have Aether's personal number? He blocked me on the one for his fans." "Oh, no. I should get them though." You saw it as a perfect excuse to get Kazuha's number. 

"Here you go~~!" Venti said ten minutes later, passing your phone back to you. As you looked through your contacts list, you saw what Venti had named Kazuha's contact as, and smiled.

 ' maple boi <3 '

At 1pm, rehearsal ended -- for you and the girls at least. Verr kept on working the boys, but the 5 of you were free to leave. "See you boys~!!" You waved goodbye to them as you walked out the door with your new friends. "Bye~!! Let's meet again soon, shall we?" Venti smiled. You nodded in agreement. "See you again sometime, y/n." Kazuha told you softly. You blushed, then turned around. "Of course." With that, you and the girls were hurried into a taxi, which would supposedly take you to the new apartment. 

"Aren't you guys excited?" "This is going to be sooo much fun!!" "Looking forward to sharing a living space with you guys~" "Same here!"

a/n: wheeeeee 

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unedited: 14/8/21

word count: 1377

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