9 ~ Concert (to be continued..)

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You came running out of your room at high speeds, preparing to throttle this blonde bastard of a manager. Embarrassment had given you more energy than ever, and you were now fully awake.

"Hm?" She sat, cross-legged on the sofa, eyes wide open. "Why you-" She innocently fluttered her eyelashes. "Whatever did I do, dear y/n?" Her tone was honeyed. "You know very well what you did." You crossed your arms, staring her angrily in the eyes. "My my, y/n, I don't know what you're so upset about, but it's getting late.  You're probably just tired." She put on a mask of fake concern, looking up at you. "Come, let's turn in for the night. You too girls~" She called out to the other 3, who looked at her confusedly.

"You'll be thanking me soon, girl." Lowering her voice so that only you could hear her, she whispered to you as you were about to open the door to your room. 

"Good night~!" She called out to the empty hallway. "You too!" "Night!" "Have a good rest!" Everyone responded.

Sighing, you head into your room. Lumine shoots you a wink, before both of you close the door.

Well, at least you had 4nemo's concert to look forward to...

The next few days passed without much incident. Lumine got you up early again for practise, and each night you were tired out of your mind.

Finally, sunday came.

You woke up to a buzzing sound right next to your right ear. Disgruntled, you unwillingly answered it without looking at the caller's ID.

"Good morrow, might I be so kind to ask which shrew has woken thy from thou'st peaceful slumber??" You passive-aggressively answered the call.

"Oh, terribly sorry to have awaken you. Prithee doth forgive me, o kind mistress~" A soft voice replied, not missing a beat. 

"Sorry, who is this?" You broke out of character, still dazed.

"It's me, Kazuha. Who else would know Shakespearean English?" Kazuha chuckled.

Dazed, you asked, "Sorry, Kazuha?" "Yep, it's me. Just calling in to check on you. The concert's today, don't ditch us~" He warmly teased. "O-Oh, of course we wouldn't! See you tonight." You replied, quickly hanging up. You felt you cheeks go warm.

You took a deep breath and grabbed the nearest object to you that would muffle sound.


"GOD DAMN IT Y/N." Yanfei shouted from her room. Okay, you might have woken up everyone with your shout (except Lumine - she'd been awake for a few hours now).

"I'm sorry," was all you could say to the fuming Yanfei. "Hey now don't get mad, remember we're going to their concert later!" Xiangling stepped in to defuse the rising tension. "O-Oh, right." You dazedly muttered. "Oooooo, someone getting a little shy~~?" Hu Tao snickered, joining the conversation. You grumbled, hiding your face in your hands, "Yeah yeah, we get it." The girls all chuckled.

"Do you think we could get some practise in?" Lumine approached. "And I mean all of you, not just y/n." She purposefully stared at all of you. "Ah, see, you wouldn't want to go to a concert all sweaty would you-?" Hu Tao tried to worm out of practise. "Nope. Let's go. I already booked a dance studio." Lumine steers you all out. "Why would you ask us if you were gonna force us??" Xiangling whines. 

<timeskip to past lunch>

Lumine made you all practise until around 12.30 pm, when you all decided to get Sushi for lunch. At the Sushi restaurant, Hu Tao accidentally sent a plate of sashimi flying by knocking into a waitress after she saw the live octopus in the tanks outside. Otherwise, lunch passed without incident. 

You all came back and took turns to shower. For a huge apartment, there was only 1 bathroom, and it wasn't very big either. 

You had finished showering and was scrolling your phone to pass the time. The concert gates only opened at 5.15pm. You checked the time on your phone - 3.47 pm. Sighing, you pulled up Kazuha's contact, wanting to send him a well wishing text. "He'd probably be in rehearsals..." You thought. Nonetheless, you sent it anyways. 

You spent the remaining time scrolling tiktok, then it hit you. You had never attended a concert before, what were you to expect?? Had 4nemo released any new songs or albums as of late? How many songs were they going to perform? How were you supposed to act?? The questions made your head spin. You almost couldn't hear Lumine call to you, "Y/n, change! We're leaving in 15!"

You rummaged through the closet, and found a short black dress with small yellow daisies. Quickly, you threw it on, doing your hair into a neat braid as you grabbed a matching bag, with a small embroidered daisy on it. 

"Ready to go girls?" Lumine emerged from her own room in a stunning sleeveless pastel yellow dress. "Mhm!" Xiangling appeared in overalls and a white shirt, in hand a small dark blue fanny pack. 

"Do I look okay..?" Yanfei nervously entered the hallway in a 2 piece matching top and skirt, a pink sling bag at her waist level. "Of course!!" Xiangling gushed. 

"Ta-da~!" Hu Tao popped out of her room, clad in a simple white shirt (similar to Xiangling's) and pleated black miniskirt. 

"Alright, are we all ready to go?" Lumine checked in with us. "Yep, let's go!" Hu Tao exclaimed excitedly.

"Great, let me call a cab. Let's head down to the lobby first." She ushered all of us out.


"Hello, teyvat!!" A voice called through a mic, and the crowd - consisting of mainly girls - started squealing. "Venti~!!!!" The girls in the crowd cheered. "Now, now, don't just cheer for me. Please welcome, to the stage, Aether! Xiao! Aaaaaand Kazuha!!" Venti announced, and the crowd became louder. 

The members walked to the front of the stage and stood in a line. Kazuha at the most left, with Aether in the middle. Venti stood beside Aether, with Xiao at the most right. "We'll be your wind! Hello everyone, we are 4nemo!" The boys bowed, making a '4' with their hands.

"Woohoo~!!" You all cheered excitedly for the boys. "Has anyone here heard their songs actually?" You raised the question, and to your surprise Lumine nodded. "They're surprisingly catchy."

The crowd went wild, but little did you know, the night was about to get even wilder.

a/n: Hihi im really sorry for going silent for 2 months but school has started and I wont have much time to update, so i'll be going on a temporary hiatus until maybe the holidays start. Thank you all for understanding !! <3


so the storyline will be altered a little to fit heizou into the group! past the concert i'll bring him in ^^


10/6/22: bear with me a little more my hiatus is over and im struggling due to writers block BUT I PROMISE ITS ON ITS WAY I WILL PREVAIL

check my ao3 (same user as wp) for another new xiaoven fic (shameless promotion happening)

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