10 ~ Thank the archons for cars

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"Woo!! Go 4nemo!!" The four of you tried to be supportive. but having never heard their songs before, it was hard. Only Lumine could properly appreciate them

"Erm..Lumine? Did they release a new album recently?" Xiangling asked. "Mhm! It's been out for about a month or so. The songs are really catchy. Personally, my favourite was..." As Lumine rambled on, the rest of you sighed. "We've lost her for the rest of the night.." You rubbed your temples.

"I guess we'll just have to play it by ear and pray that we look like we've heard their songs before.." Hu Tao released a puff of air.

"This next one is directed to someone very special! It's from our latest album and was written by our songwriter, Kazuha!" Venti cheerfully announced. "Actually, I don't really remember what the inspiration for it was..." Venti admitted sheepishly.

"Welp, anyways; without further ado, here's 'She likes spring, I prefer winter'!"

Your heart skipped a beat.

The soft strumming of a guitar accompanied by harmonization of the four boys brought a new wave of cheers.

"Stay by the fire," Kazuha started the song. "You're giving looks like you're telling me I'm faded."

"It's cold outside, but spring's in the corner and I'm waiting." Venti continued.

"I don't wanna wait, she saw the flowers blooming up, telling me how winter sucks for you. What more that I can do?" Aether chimed in.

"But we met this year last season. That's why it's so memorable for me." Kazuha sang to the audience.

But it felt like he was singing it just to you.

Were the title - the lyrics - all just coincidences?

It had been in winter that you both had met after all.

You recalled him asking for your favourite season one night.

You also recalled your answer.


"y/n?? Are you okay?" "Earth to y/n! Earth to y/n!" 

"Huh??" You snapped back into reality. "Ack- yeah I'm good."

"Heheh, eyeing someone~?" Hu Tao cheekily asked with a giggle. You immediately turned away, face pink.

"Shut up!"

Maple Leaves and A Polaroid || idol! K. Kazuha x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now