a/n: indefinite hiatus (sorry)

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i am alive :D

Unfortunately, I will be putting this book on hold for an indefinite amount of time: writers block has stopped me from developing this book further as of now, and I have to temporarily stop writing to focus on my upcoming exams. 

I have also sort of migrated over to ao3 for the time being, so if any of you are still interested checking out my works there would be great :D Once my exams have ended I will be aiming to upload more on both platforms.

That's all from me for now, thanks for all the reads, votes and funny comments you guys leave, reading them really makes my day <3 I really apologise as I haven't uploaded in a long time, and hope that you all understand.

- author

12/11/22: 6.9k reads. nice

i know i said i would upload more and i promise i will try to!! but art block's had me in a chokehold for a while, please bear with me :( thanks again for all the reads, i really appreciate each and every one of you <3

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