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why do i even bother putting the gifs actually LOL

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why do i even bother putting the gifs actually LOL

a/n: a little bit of the idol auditioning process mentioned here, sorry if its not what real idols go through bc i genuinely have no idea LOL i did only a little bit of research

a/n 2: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the final a/n at the very end its really important even if you dont normally read it please read it this once !!!!

'What would Kazuha think of the kiss?'

Precisely why you needed to text him and clear up any possible confusion. Obviously there was a need to explain the kiss to him - but what? For fear that he'd take it as something else? That he'd become aware of your feelings for him and view you as something less?

Fingers trembling, you pulled up his contact, preparing to type in an explanation. After a few minutes, this was all you could come up with:

'hey kazuha, im sorry for any disruption i may cause with this text, but i feel the need to explain the whole incident that happened earlier,, since it was a dare i hope you wont take my reaction or anything else seriously, im saying this to clear up any possible confusion from earlier.'

Yet, once you were done, you hesitated pressing the enter button. Was it irrational to want to explain your earlier actions? If there were nothing wrong, both of you would've viewed it as what it really was - a silly dare. You sure didn't, and hopefully he didn't know about it, but did he?

Sighing, you thought for a few seconds, before deciding to hit the delete button. It was late anyways, he was probably sleeping, and you should be too.

You woke up the next morning to a lot of chaos in the apartment. Everyone had woken up with sore muscles, headaches, and so many other symptoms. Unfortunately, you and Xiangling were the only ones who hadn't drank too much, so you had to watch the other three groan and mumble about their heads hurting, or feeling fatigued, or whatever else they had going on due to all the alcohol.

"Morning. What's lunch?" You ask Xiangling, who was bustling around in the kitchen, arms full of ingredients. "Hm, I was thinking of making a charcuterie board. Need them to get rid of that hangover quick." She points to the others, collapsed on the sofa. You forgot how good of a chef Xiangling was. "Good idea. I'll help!" You volunteer.

After lunch, Lumine calls you into her room. "What's up?" You ask, closing the door behind you.

"Your audition," She croaks. "The submission deadline passed. The physical interview is this friday."

"But today's a monday! I thought it was in three weeks?"

"Verr helped speed up the process. I've already sent in the dance recording from a few days earlier and they accepted it. Hope you're okay with that." She continues. "I'm assuming there'll be an interview section. You'll need to answer various questions and convince them that you have what it takes to be an idol."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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Maple Leaves and A Polaroid || idol! K. Kazuha x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now