7 ~ You sussy baka

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<timeskip to thursday>

"Y/n, Wakey wakey!!" A sudden knocking on your door as well as an energetic voice woke you up from your sleep. You sat up, disgruntled and confused. "You up yet, girl?" Now you recognised that voice to be belonging to Lumine. "Y-yes ma'am~" You sleepily replied. Grabbing your phone, you pressed the on button and checked the time. "Uwahh~ IT'S LITERALLY MIDDAY WHAT THE-" You yelled, bursting out of your room. "Gahh!" A shout came from the room beside yours. Lumine sighed. "Is no one up except you and me?" You asked Lumine. Lumine nodded, "I woke up at 8.45 in the morning. I even had time to tidy up my room and make breakfast for you all." Now that she had mentioned breakfast, you did smell something savoury wafting from the direction of the kitchen...

"I'm hungryyyyyyy~" Hu Tao suddenly came out from her room whining, rubbing her eyes. "I made breakfast, don't worry." Lumine repeated, rubbing Hu Tao's shoulder as she trailed sleepily to the bathroom. "Th-th-thaaaaanks~" She failed to stifle a yawn as she thanked Lumine. "I'll get the others up; breakfast is on the table." She told you as you followed behind Hu Tao to the bathroom. She stretched for a few seconds, then opened the door. The both of you walked in, seeing 4 cups and brushes placed neatly, while one set was drying on a towel -- presumably Lumine's. 

You both started prepping, washing faces, brushing teeth, combing and tying hair. After Hu Tao had done her hair in two twin pigtails, she stared at you as you started taking off your clothes. "Oi-!!" You looked at her. "Aiya, don't worry~ I'm just jealous. See you later~" She winked flirtatiously as she closed the door. "And lock it this time!!" She shouted from outside, reminding you of that incident. 

You heard her footsteps leave once she heard a 'click' from the door.

As you stepped into the shower, some thought was biting at your mind. What was it? You couldn't put your finger on it...

The thought continued to nag at you until you went back to your room to change and saw your setup screen.

The screen was lit up on two apps: Discord and Among Us.

"SHIT YALL WE HAVE AN AMONG US GAME SCHEDULED WITH 4NEMO TODAY!!" You yelled to the others, pulling out your phone. There was a text from Kazuha while you had been showering. 

Maple boi <3

<Maple boi is online>

Maple boi <3

Hey y/n, you wanna play among us at 12.45? we're still having lunch so ://

delivered 12.23 pm

Maple Leaves and A Polaroid || idol! K. Kazuha x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now