Chapter 12

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We then sat by a nearby bench to reflect on what to do next since I was practically an outlaw, while the Warner brothers and the Warner sister, Dot, wanted to still stay with me, even though they were still allowed to go back. But they sacrificed that opportunity to be with me. I was so surprised, about the Warners' love for me.

I can't believe Hello Nurse betrayed us after Yakko gave her a second chance to leave us alone, why are the Warner Brothers and sister so important to the studio? Besides them being stars in their own, show, of Animaniacs.

I sighed and the others heard me.

"You talked with Hello Nurse, did you guys?" Dot asked still thinking about why Yakko said it would be 'safe' to go to Hello Nurse, for help.

Yakko and I nodded and explained, a worth's chapter, to her.

"Oh..." Was all she could say, and Wakko just said out loud, "That's dumb, Yakko...even for you."

"I know, WAKKO! That is why I have learned my lesson." Yakko said cross armed.

"Ha! Well, have you ever?" Dot scoffed sarcastically.

"Shut up Dot, I was try to help us find a way out. I didn't know she would betray me, even though I knew, already, that she had a crush on me. I was never betrayed before, and this is all new to me. How was I supposed to know!?" Yakko said rambling on, but I stopped him after his rant.

"It's alright, Yakko but it's not too late to-"

"Uh, uh! NO! I don't want you to say such a thing." Yakko said, slapping a hand to my mouth, and I slightly blushed at the touch but felt weird as well.

"Heh! So, what do we do now, Yakko?" Dot asked a bit saddened that they weren't at home but happy that they were still having that fire in them, flickering with hope that it would again, spread like wildfire.

"I don't know Dot, but we have to be there for, Red. Well, it's me who wants to, two could-" Yakko said then almost suggested something that the siblings cut him off.

"NO! We are staying Yakko. It will never be the same without you or Red." Dot exclaimed with a worrying face, doing the same thing to Yakko like what he did to me. I slightly chuckled at the comparison.

"Yeah! I WANT MY BROTHER AND RED AND MY FAMILY TO BE, TOGETHER!" Wakko whined, with tears in his eyes, laying on Yakko's lap while Yakko and Dot patted his head and comforted him.

I silently cried, sadly, because of that, and also 'cause of me having no home, leaving the Warners on the streets with me, looking like lost orphans in Nevada, Carson City.

I was pulling, nervously, at the hems of my dress when Yakko saw me and placed a comforting side-hug for me, while his other hand patted Wakko.

"Hey...Red, don't worry about this...we can always think of something!" He said, then all of a sudden, Dot squealed that her face brightened up and that her sudden reaction, dropped Wakko to the ground.

"OW! HEY, DOT!" Wakko yelled rubbing his sore head and picked up the red cap, gave it a shake dusting it, and then placed it back onto his head.

"What gives!"

"I think, I have an idea!" Dot replied, "By the way, sorry Wakko, but this is the best time to do...!" Dot said in suspense.

"What is it?" Yakko asked Dot, making her to continue.

"A STREET SHOW!" Dot said, dramatically, showing jazz hands.

"Well, we could earn some cash using that..." Wakko thought out loud. And the thought of it made smile at the idea!

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