Chapter 15

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"Wow, we have to find a cure for Yakko...and fast!" Dot said, panting sliding down the wall dramatically, tiringly.

We have reached a room that had all the necessities, we needed, for the time being, while we were locked away, to try to find ways to stop the supposed chemicals from spreading within Yakko.

"Guys I think it's time for us to get some samples from that jar and see what's in it." I said, determined.

"Yay, time for Science!" Dot exclaimed getting her, me and Wakko, scientific gloves for us and we all put them on.

"Oh, thanks!" I said smiling excitedly, and Wakko did as well.

"I got some tricks up my sleeve, for me to have that sample, but leave it to me!" Wakko said, unlocking the door opening it, half his body was out and the other half in, "Faboo!" He said, smirking then saluted playfully, then swiftly went out to who knows where, to do, who knows what.

"Do we help him?" I asked in uncertainty.

"Nah, let's leave it to him. I know he puts his mind to it, whenever his bro is in trouble, he does whatever it takes." Dot said, polishing her nails poshly, head held high, while sitting on one of the bean bags in the room.

I rolled my eyes at her sarcastically since that has been so typical of her to do. Dot always find ways to put in her power if cuteness into whatever situation we're in. I shook my head with a smile.

"Alright, Dot, whatever you say." I said, then prepared the table that would be used, for my experiments and tests.

Out of my bottomless toga pockets, came the: Flasks, tripods, test tubes, bunsen burners, goggles, white lab coats, etc. Everything I could think of or remember, was on the table before me. Dot saw me and that was when I saw love hearts in her eyes. I thought she was looking at me but once she got up and examined all the utensils looking at each one with lovey-dovey eyes, I knew I could settle back comfortably.

"HELLOOO, SCIENCE!" Dot exclaimed, as she got suited up as well and I laughed at her eagerness. And when I saw her put it on herself, she looked good in that outfit. So I thought to send her a compliment.

"Dot, you look cute in that white labcoat, outfit by the way." I said prepping myself as well, putting on the lab goggles.

"Wow-y, thanks you don't look that bad, either!" She laughed putting on her lab glasses, "You look silly in those glasses, by the way!"

"Hey! You look rediculous in those glasses too," I remarked playfully with a gleeful smile, then smirked.

"Hey!" Dot said laughing placing a playful punch on me and shirked back in laughter and we both laughed enjoying our time.

We talked for hours and more anf then talked about girl stuff all of a sudden and this time I was prepared to be asked questions because one thing about siblings having one girl and two boys, Dot, being the sister that she is, has gotta ask me which brother did I like. And obviously, Dot could totally see that I liked Yakko.

"Alright, Red, tell me what do you like about my brother Yakko!"

"Dot, as much as I am already prepared for this talk I still don't want to talk about it because if I send in more info about what is in my heart you will be that loud mouth and shout that secret to the world and people would know," I said, "So I probably shouldn't tell offence, but you'll be the first to know when I am ready alright?"

"Ugh, fine...why does love have to be so hard!" She whined.

"Dot! I'm not totally in love with him!" I said, "Yet..." I muttered, that she didn't hear me.

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