Chapter 18: A Huntress at Ormond and Demo gets visitors

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3rd PoV

On her way to the Killer House Luna passed the chilly gate to the Ormond realm. The Survivor cocked her head slightly - to not disturb Victor - at the faint sounds of arguing.

The Legion were really close with each other, they wouldn't argue this loudly, right?

Luna shimmied into the frosty realm next to the hospital and began her treck towards the noise.

Another smaller noise distracted her. A sneeze. Victor shivered on her shoulder. Trying to use her hair to warm himself up.

Luna apologized to the little bean and stuffed him under her sweater, grimacing at the feeling of his cold skin against hers.

The smaller Twins head popped out of the collar of her sweater, releasing a mildly satisfied purr. His little grabby hands held onto her collar as well and Luna had to cross her arms to assure that he wouldn't fall out of her sweater.

As she neared the source of the ruckus she noted the use of Russian words.

Weird... the Legion are Canadians right? They wouldn't knoW RUSSIAN!

Her thoughts caught up and she power walked over to the heated argument between a fuming Huntress and the three Legion kids.

Susie was absent, Luna noticed.

Her eyes met the plague-eaten form of Adiris as she held onto Anna's left arm trying to deter her.

If this would have been a Trail then Anna would've gotten infected, but luckily Adiris had somewhat of a control over her plague outside of them.

Joey noticed her first. He was standing slightly behind Frank, almost mimicking Adiris position. Julie stood next to Frank defending the group against Anna's argument.

„What in Hex's name is going on here?" she asked rather loudly, announcing her presence.

Adiris and Anna halted upon looking at her, both noting the baby's head under hers. They both made a silent promise not to cuss in front of Charlotte's brother.

For... reasons.

The Legion did no such promises.

„She accused us of stealing that's what's fucking on!" Julie hissed.

It clicked. Anna was nice, but she didn't tolerate stealing. From what Luna heard one of the Legions had been spotted breaking into her house once, maybe that's why she suspected them.

Julie, however just got pissed every time somebody wrongly accused their group of something. Julie seemed to have a sixth sense knowing what their group fucked up and what they didn't.

Luna turned to Anna as she released a word salat of her Russian vocabulary.

„Which one was it?"

Adiris tilted her head.

„Which blanket was it?"

Anna clicked her tongue in annoyance. „Blue one. With Stars." The thick accent rested heavily upon her words.

Her favorite...

Luna looked into the snowy sky for a second, thinking. „Hold on." she muttered, gently removing one of her hands from her hold on Victor.

She whipped out her phone, opening her chat with a Killer.

Mika's sister Luna
You don't happen to missing some liquor do you?

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