Chapter 1: Introductions

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3rd PoV

The blonde girl looked around, left and right and all she saw was the cornfield she was apperently in.

This is Luna and she just got into the Fog, this is her first Trail.

Thomson House, Coldwind Farm

Those word echoed in her head, telling her the location of her Trial.

Luna shook her head and stood on her tip-toes to see over the cornfield. She was rather small for her age.

Her eyes locked on the House to her left and she decided to take a look. The old wood of the house creaked as she creeped through the building.

Quiet mechanical sounds echoed from above her.

The blonde girl, crouched the stairs up and leaned over the edged the window to see what was making these sounds.

It was a generator.

Two people crouched by the generator. A man, his hair was white and in his mouth smoked a cigarette. On the opposite side of the generator was a girl. Her skin was dark and she wore glasses.

The girls eyes snapped to Luna, she pulled from the generator and shrieked: „IT'S THE LEGION!"

Luna blinked. Once. Twice.

The what?

The old man snapped his head to where the dark skinned girl pointed and scoffed.

„That's not the Killer, It's just Kate. Calm down Claudette."

He stood up and mentioned to Luna. Claudette resumed to repairing.

„C'mere Kate. We need your help on this one. The Killer brought Ruin."

Luna tilted her head.

Who is Kate? And who are they? wHERE IS MIKA?!?

Her head raced for a second.

„Who are you?" she asked after climbing trough the window.

Their actions halted. Claudette and the man stared at Luna like she'd just summoned the devil.

„Y- you're not Kate..." Claudette stuttered.

„And you're not Mika." Luna whispered to herself.

„Argh, hell." The man grumbled. „A newbie."

Luna raised her eyebrows. What was with these people?

Claudette cleared her throat. „I'm Claudette." she explained. „And this is Bill. We have to repair Generators to get out, please come over and help." she squeaked the last part out as if afraid to ask for help.

Luna stared at them for a second. Why not?

She crouched down next to the Generator and scanned the wires. Good god!

The wires were scrambled and knotted together. Luna shuddered. Poor Generator...

Her fingers glided into the machine and untied the wires, connecting them correctly. Bill blinked at her fast work.

„Good work. This is going quick." he praised her. Luna felt embarrassed at his praise.

„Why do we even repair these things?" she asked after a moment.

Claudette stopped working for a second. „There is a Killer here with us." Bill spoke.

Luna halted.

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