Chapter 2: New Guys

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Joey PoV

„Congratulations on the Merciless Victory, bro." Frank smacked my back.

„Whatever." I said and slapped his hand away. Frank blinked.

„What's it? Did something happened?" he asked walking after me.

I opened the door to the Killer House. It was nothing bad just a plain old house for us Killers to hang if we don't wanna be on our maps.

„Something alright." I muttered.

Frank followed me. Julie leaned on the wall and talked with Rin.

The Spirit was apparently ranting about a Survivor that has been in her Trial. Julie nodded. Rin was Japanese but could speak English just fine. The two chicks were good friends.

Susie was sitting on the counter picking splinters out of her fingers. The only other people here were Caleb sitting on the couch and Amanda reading a book at the table.

I picked a can of beer from the fridge and opened it, getting my mask off to drink the liquid.

„Woah, Joey. Was the Trail That bad?!?" Susie asked, halting in her splinter-fishing.

I slammed the can on the table by Amanda. „Some damn chick showed up and chased my prey!" I shouted, successfully catching everyone's attention.

„That's impossible kid." The Deathslinger spoke.

„It's true! She just hacked them down with her damn Scythe!" I growled out, drawing a chuckle from Amanda.

Julie raised her eyebrows at the word ‚Scythe'.

„What's so funny Amanda?!?" I asked turning to her.

„Mika." she said.

Frank furrowed his brows. „What?" he  asked her.

Amanda' set her book down, amber eyes glaring playfully at me. „My name is Mika."

The old Cowboy stood up. „What the are ya doin' here kid!" he shouted.

The prey-stealing bitch turned around. She full force glared in his white eyes. „I ain't a child you nut." she hissed.

The Deathslinger growled back at her, accepting her invitation to the staring match.

„It's impossible to be a new Killer! The Blight just came here!" Susie shrieked.

Frank, Julie and Rin nodded in agreement.

Suddenly thundering footsteps could be heard outside the house.

What the f-


The chick whirled around, breaking eye-contact with Caleb.

Evan stood in the doorway staring at the newbie.

„... going to get new Killer..." Philip finished for him, looking over Trapper's shoulder. Max looking over the other one.

He eyed the chick like she was taking his chainsaw apart.

‚Mika' just sat calmly on the chair, eyeing the others. „Welp."

. . .
3rd PoV

„Hey guys we got a new Survivor! This is..." Meg cut herself off. Luna had been just behind her a second ago.

They had all escaped the Spirits Trail, well except Claudette, it was extremely rare for newbies to survive their first Trial. Espacially if it was against the Spirit.

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