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Next will be Ray getting Adopted!


🖤Ray POV:

Waking up for he annoying sound of my alarm on my phone, I turn it off and get ready for the day. I take a cold shower, brush my teeth and get dressed. After my morning routine I went down to the kitchen to get everyone's food ready. Mom was gravely ill and I had to take care of everyone, since I'm the oldest. I didn't hear any movement from down stairs, seeing it was only 6:15 in the morning.

As I enter the kitchen, I turn the light on. "Suprise!!" "Gah-" I look around and everyone was there. I notice the food in the background. "Happy Birthday Ray!" I look wide eyed at them. I totally forgot it was my birthday. "Thanks, honestly, I forgot it was my birthday!" I look around at everyone, they have bright smiling faces, and glistening eyes. I was turning 15 already, and I was responsible for everyone here.

I got shoved out of the kitchen and into a chair, everyone helped to set up the tables. Don started talking to me, to keep me company. "So?" "So what?" "Do you like your suprise?" " I guess, I mean, I forgot it was my birthday.." "of course you did! You work your butt off for everyone around here, you ruin your schedule, to fix ours, welp today, we're gonna do your chores so you can have a day off" "uh, i-its really okay" Phil, who is 7 butts in and partly lectures me "nu uh! You've got baggs under your eyes, and you look extremely weak, so you ain't doing work today!"

I laugh at his comment and get up out of my seat, I was only forced back down by nearly everyone, except the 5 year olds, and younger. I try over and over again, but failed. I realised that I wasn't going to escape this. I sat watching everyone, set up the table and the food. "I'm guessing the food was made by you?" I said grabbing Don's attention "how did you know?" "It looks digusting" "Hey!" I laugh and turn around to see everyone ready, Don sits at his chair and I put my hands together.

"Thank you from above, for providing our food, shelter, warmth, and everything we are great full for to this day, and beyond. Thank you for this meal." "Thank you for this meal!" Everyone begins eating, to distracted to notice me getting out of my chair. I walk into the kitchen and find some left over food. I put it on a plate and take it up to mom along with a cup of water. I open the door and see her sitting up eyes open staring at the wall as usual.

I grab the desk on wheels (I don't know what they're called!!) And put the food and water on it. I put it in front of her and wait for her to take her first bite, like usual. She didn't budge. I shook her and she just fell over. 'Is she sleeping? No she would've woken up from that. Did she pass out?' I thought to myself before I felt her pulse. Nothing... Not a beat...I realise the colour of her skin is as white as a ghost. She...she's dead... "She's d-d-dead... She's dead!". I begin screaming on the top of my lungs. Collapsed next to the bed grabbing the sheets she died in.

I heard running, Don and Anna were at the door. Staring at me. Anna notices mom and starts to cry. Don has teary eyes but runs up to me. He runs up to get me to let go and pull me off her but I held on tight. The twins had to help and eventually got me off her. I just cried. Cried til' there was nothing left. Cried like I was the last person on the planet. Don, took me to my bed and sat down with me. His arm around me rubbing my other arm.

After a while he left me alone, and took care of the children. I honestly needed him to. Just for today. By dinner time I go down, say the prayers and sit there, staring at my food. I didn't feel hungry.  "Ray, if you don't eat, you'll starve" Anna began 'good' I thought to myself. "Why?" "Why what?" "Why today? Of all days why today?" "Ray I can't here you" "of all days she could've died, why today!? Of all days!!" "She can't control it-" "I KNOW!!! I know! But today is ment to be a day of happiness! A day where a kid can relax. The day they were bought into the world. And instead of it being happy, all I'm going to remember is mom dead. In her bed, cold as ice, and as white as a ghost. Dead! YOU HEAR!! DEAD!!!" I stood up after my huge scene and left, I didn't eat anything. But it didn't faze me. And cried myself to sleep.

2 weeks later

I wake up to my annoying alarm. 6am as usual. I did my morning routine. But everyone was still asleep. I cooked breakfast and went upstairs to wake everyone up. I only woke up the little kids. They wanted. To wake up the older kids. I let them and went down stairs to set to tables. I set them, and the food was out. Not long later, everyone was down stairs. The teens where a bit suprised I was downstairs. But I said the prayers and went back upstairs. I watched from my window what everyone was doing. I had 2 windows in my own separate room. One that pointing down at everyone in the dinning area, and one pointing outside. If I saw someone get hurt, I would rush outside help them, take care of them, then head back up to my room. I was starving myself, but it felt good. I was also emotionless.

🥺Lucy POV:

I was playing until we got called for dinner. I go inside and sit at the table. I look around for Ray, but he isn't there. "Don!" "Yeah lil sis?" "Where's Ray?" He looked up at Rays room and looked back at me. "Probably in his room, I'll go get him" "okay!"

😸Don POV:

I walk up to Rays room and knock on his door. "Ray, are you coming down for dinner?" A silence was hit before he spoke. "No, you can do the prayers, you know what they are..." "O-okay" I walk down stairs and sit at the front of the the table. "Ray, isn't going to be joining us for dinner tonight" I begin the prayers. Once I finished them I ate. I looked over at Phil. He didn't eat much. "Hey, bud, aren't you going to eat it?" "Huh, oh I did! I'm just not as hungry" "okay, as long as you eat what you can" "okay!"

After dinner we cleaned up Phil stayed down stairs for a bit. "Hey bud, off to bed" "huh, oh okay! Just give me a moment" "alright"

🥺Phil POV:

Don walks the other kids to bed, I go into the kitchen and grab my bowl that I didn't finish at dinner. I slowly walk upstairs and stop in front of Rays door. I knock on his door. "Who is it?" "me, Phil" I hear the door nod unlock and I see Ray, emotionless. Staring down at me. "C-can I come in?" "Sure" I walk in and he shuts the door. "What's the matter bud, and why do you still have your food?" I look down at the food and back up at Ray. "I-I noticed that you weren't eating, so I thought you could have my food!". "aw, thanks bud, but I'm not hungry-" his stomach growled really loudly, and he squeezed his eyes shut hold his stomach in his arms.

"I'm not leaving til' i see you eat the rest of that!!" "Okay! Shhhh, I'll eat it if it makes you happy" I nod and give him the bowl. He starts eating it til' it's all gone. I give him a hug goodnight and leave. I take the bowl to the Kitchen and go to bed. " What took you so long lil bud?" Don was still in the room. Waiting for me. "I got Ray to eat!" "Really!?" "Yeah!" "Good job lil bud!" I giggle and get into bed.


Nani O'hio!  Sorry got that permanently stuck in my head😃 I love this!!! I hope you do too!!! Your all lovely, sweet, and handsome/beautiful. Did you drink water today? Did you eat? You should!

Author Emmy Out~

Word count: 1501

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