Discovering deeper

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Ray POV:

Trisha, Norman's mother bought me back inside and set out a mattress in Norman's room. All of a sudden, who I assumed was Natalie, Norman's little sister came out.

"Hey mum!?"

She walked around but stopped when she saw me. She looked at me for a while before speaking again.

"You look familiar, where do I know you from?"

I covered my eyes and mouth when I to them off she was covering her mouth jumping up and down. Then she started squealing.

"Omg!! Your MoonRay!! I'm such a huge fan!!!"

"Thank.. you..?"

Norman walked into the room quite sober actually.

"Shhhh! Natalie keep it down..."

"Are you drunk again?"

"Wait again?"

I looked at Norman curiously.

"A couple of years ago, when I was 13, I was sick and whenever I get sick I act like a fucking baby. So I asked my father for a cup of orange juice and he went to the kitchen but didn't come back with my cup, so when I went in there I saw a cup of orange juice on the counter. What I didn't know was that it had wine in it and I drank the whole glass. I was drunk and my mother had to fix me before my dad saw. If anyone drinks his alcohol without his permission, your sure gonna pay..."

"Wow, your dad seems like a bitch"

We heard a car pull in the driveway.

"Speak of the devil and he appears"

I heard Norman say. They hid behind a wall looking at the door. And they pulled me with then so I was waiting too.

The door opened and who I assumed was his very tired father was here. And it was about 8:00 pm no daylight savings. He sat down in the lounge room and Norman and Natalie came around the corner. Natalie started talking to him about her day and Norman gathered his stuff putting it where it seemed to belong. Once he was finished he greeted his father, he introduced me.

"Dad, this is my friend, Ray"

"Uhh, so this is who my son has been telling me about"

His started touch and patting me down. Then feeling my arms. I was scared but more confused then scared.

He smiled and held a hand out. I took it still a little creeped out. Thankfully Norman pulled me to his room and apologized a ton.

"I'm sorry about my father, he usually can read when people are uncomfortable"

"I'm hard to read"

"Yeah, you are"

Norman asked questions till he was sleepy. I started talking to him about my time at the orphanage which made him fall asleep. I heard his mother call and a pair of running footsteps from the hall. I stayed seated sweeping the hair out of Norman's face. I suddenly turned around toward the door hearing someone's voice being cleared.


I see Trisha.

"Hello Mrs- I mean Trisha."

"I can see you like my son"

" can..?"

"Yes indeed, and from all the relationships he has been in I can tell you, your his exact type"

"I know he likes me, and he knows I like him"

"Then why aren't you two dating?"

"Past experience lead me to be scared to continue to be in one with him, but I agreed that if he remembered something in the morning I would date him"

"That's a big thing, he has a hard time forgetting things"

"He does?"

"Mhm, if you don't mind me asking why are you scared?"

"My ex boyfriend was drunk and hanging out with friends, they suddenly forced ten bottles of beer down my throat..."

"Oh dear! I'm so sorry! I didn't mea-"

"It's okay, I'm learning to open up about things now, and honestly, it's because of Norman.."

"He can be like that, a very trustworthy person. But, dinner is ready, Natalie has a friend over. And she is also a big fan of you or whatever so just be mindful or somewhat, are you allergic to anything?"

"Mint plant, they cause nausea and migraines for me, headaches when I smell it"

"I better take the mint off of the dishes then, you come out while I do so"


She walks out and I kiss Norman's forehead. I then exit the room myself. She has mint in her hands and was putting them in the bin and her husband which I learnt his name was Jake.

I sat down at the table awrkwardly as I ate half the dinner that was served for me. I don't like when people watch me eat, and the girls were asking me questions left, right, and centre.

After waiting for everyone to have a shower or something they allowed me to have one, which I thought was a bit weird, I had a shower put a towel around my waist, and walked into Norman's bedroom where he was still asleep. I quickly took the towel off and put boxers on. Then I put a black shirt of that said emo boy is present.

Once I finished I looked down at Norman and noticed he was wide awake. Staring at me.


He didn't answer me. I then got a thought into mind.

"How much did you see?"

" mean your gorgeous abs, visible v line and any other muscular part of your body not to mention that 12 foot cock you have under those tight boxers, then not much"

"...are you okay Norman?"

"...Fuck me..."


"Please, just fuck me."

"What!? No! Norman snap out of it!"

"Your right, I need to show you what your dealing with-"



"Please. Just stop and calm down."

"Fuck me and I might consider it."

"No! I'm not going to! Never!"

"Fine, guess what, I'm sober, and I remember kissing in the car still parked outside your house while I was apparently under the affect of alcohol."

" do..?"

"Yes. So does that mean I'm your boyfriend, or do I wait longer?"

"I- I don't know... I didn't think that far ahead... Honestly, my mind was blank while saying that"

"I'll give you a week. We can fake date for a week, if you like it well we will get together for real if not then we know your answer"


"By the way, nice cock"

He said while walking out the room. He made my blush way too hard. I was tired so I fell asleep on the mattress. Not long later I hear whispers and suddenly felt lips on my forehead. I slowly open my eyes and see Norman. He smiles at me and lays down next to me. I blush at how close he was to my face. I closed my eyes shut and curl up into a ball. I felt him hug me giggling a little bit.

You Make Me Crazy~ • NorRay • The Promised Neverland • Where stories live. Discover now