Chapter Fifteen

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Sorry for the wait D: The past couple of weeks have been craziness! But hopefully this will make up for it(: I'm thinking about changing the end. I might've taken it too far? Lemme know what you think! Enjoy(:


            According to Colby, I’d been in that warehouse for just over two days. He’d left me alone a couple of times to go to school, and of course, my house to console my panicked parents. Apparently they didn’t suspect him, but why should they? He never gave them a reason as to why he shouldn’t be trusted. He was the perfect concerned best friend. That is, until he came back to me.

            He hadn’t done anything torture wise, besides deny me food. He was merciful enough to let me have water, but it wasn’t exactly clean. In return, I didn’t say a word to him unless it was absolutely necessary. I’m guessing I made the whole thing a little dull for him, considering I wouldn’t show pain, or anger anymore. I wouldn’t give him that satisfaction.

            “Cass, I’m back!” Colby’s voice echoed off the walls, making me internally flinch. How had a voice I’d once found comfort in turned into my worst nightmare so fast?

            He emerged from behind a stack of boxes with a broad grin on his face. A brown paper bag swung loosely in his left hand, accompanied by a plastic cup in his other. I eyed them both suspiciously as he stopped in front of me and waved the bag in front of my face. I caught the faint scent of a burger and my stomach clenched painfully.

            He chuckled, “I brought you a burger and some fries. I figured I’d starved you enough.”

            I only glared at him in response.

            He rolled his eyes. “Stop pouting, Cassie. You should be thanking me, I know you’re hungry. I heard your stomach growling from my car.” An amused smile danced across his features, making me want to punch him so hard his mouth would implode. I bit down hard on my tongue to keep from snapping at him, feeling a swell of hatred rise in me.

            “Whatever, I know you’ll want them eventually.” He sat the bag and cup down at my feet before turning and pulling his usual chair up in front of me. I averted my gaze to the floor, an automatic reaction I’d developed in the time I’d been imprisoned.  For some reason, Colby liked to pull up a chair and stare at me for hours on end while I pretended to find the ground fascinating. I’m not sure where his parents thought he was when he was with me, or what kind of excuses he made for doing it all the time, but a part of me wished they’d get suspicious so he’d be forced to stay away for at least a day.

            “I bet you’re wondering why I’ve gone so easy on you, right?” He inquired.

            As usual, I stayed silent.

            “Well, I guess it’s because I have a bit of a soft spot for you, Cass. You actually started to grow on me. I don’t know exactly how I want to kill you now. Rest assured, it won’t be pleasant, but I might make it a little quicker than originally planned.”

            What a saint, I thought sarcastically.

            A part of me didn’t think he actually had the guts to hurt me, but the cold look that eclipsed his eyes told me otherwise. I missed the warmth in his baby blues, the genuine smile he’d get every time I’d crack a bad joke. Sure, I was unbelievably furious with him, but that didn’t stifle the yearn I felt for our old friendship, for the old Colby that escorted me down the stairs at my seventeenth birthday masquerade. I wanted to rewind the clock, go back to a few days before he kidnapped me, when I thought he was intent on protecting me.

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