Chapter Eight

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I'm not even gonna make excuses. lol. You've heard everything I've had to say about why I'm late before, so there's your reason. Anywhoooo...might change this later when I get some time, but for now this is what it is :P Enjoy.


I tucked my knees up to my chest and kicked them out with all my might. My feet connected with the chest of the intruder, sending him backwards. A smug smile lifted the corners of my lips when I heard a distinct crash from a few feet ahead.

"Dang it, Cassie!" A familiar voice cursed under their breath, followed by sounds of struggle.

"Colby?" I choked out in disbelief.

"Uh, yeah! What the heck was that for?!"

"You tell me! You idiot! What are doing sneaking into my house like that?" I pushed myself off the tiled floor and attempted to move in the direction of his voice. I muttered a string of insults under my breath as I blinked into the pitch blackness of my house. I was going to kill Colby for cutting the power.

"Ow!" I heard him gasp right as my foot landed on something hard. "Would you kindly get your big foot off my hand?"

I knelt down and slapped my hand down right on his chest. Lucky shot. "Would you kindly tell me why you broke into my house and turned all the lights off?" My voice dripped fake sweetness.

"First of all, I didn't break in. The back door was already open. And second of all, it wasn't me that cut the power, Cass."

I threw my hands up in frustration, even though he couldn't see me. "Well if you didn't do it, then who did? The bogeyman? And that still doesn't explain why you hovered over me and told me to 'Pucker up, Princess.'" I deepened my voice in a bad imitation of his.

His chest rose and fell under my hand as he let out a deep sigh. "I thought it'd be kind of fun to scare you. I knew you'd think it was that creep who has been leaving those notes..." He started to laugh, "Man, I wish I could've seen the look on your face! I bet it was priceless!"

I huffed and sank down onto my butt beside him. "You aren't much help! Why is my electric off? And who was banging around outside before it went off? I swear, if you're lying to me, I'll kick you in your 'manhood' so hard, you'll legally be considered a woman."

"Calm down! The only thing that was actually me was the calling your name part and all the stuff after."

I groaned and buried my face in my knees. "Why is this happening?" I mumbled. My mind was spinning. I knew the most logical answer for all of this, but I couldn't bring myself to admit that it was probably my stalker doing everything.

Colby's voice was barely above a whisper when he eventually spoke up into the stark silence, "You know it's him, Cassie. You know he's messing with you."

"No," I shook my head vehemently back and forth. "It isn't him. This is some freak coincidence. None of this has anything to do with the note he left on my car this morning."

"You know, the reason I came here in the first place was to check on you. I knew you would get yourself into some kind of trouble. Now I see that no matter how bad things are, you'll always be in denial about it."

Who says denial is a bad thing? Denial kept me sane for the moment. I wasn't ready for things to get so crazy so soon. Hadn't this guy ever heard of rising action? In typical stalker fashion, things should have slowly built up to him breaking in my house, turning all the lights off, and hunting me down. Not that he was going to hunt me down since Colby showed up...right?

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