Chapter Three

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    My eyelids began to droop as I watched everyone rush around, trying to decorate for my party. It was three days away, but Jenny insisted we start early. My dress was already hanging from my closet door, ready to be worn. As usual, I felt like everything we had planned was a little much. There were at least two-hundred people invited, and my parents had even arranged for there to be security at the start of our driveway to keep people who weren’t on the guest list out. It was just a couple of guys from the police station, but still. My dad was a cop, we weren’t rich. I hated it when they tried to do so much at once for me. My parents had told me before that their combined income is enough, but I didn’t care. I didn’t need the huge parties they always tried to throw for me. My grandparents spoiled me enough for the both of them, and that made me feel bad enough.

    A chilly breeze blew by, forcing me to pull my white sweater tighter around my torso. The sun barely warmed my back, fighting to poke out through the puffy white clouds floating through the bright blue sky. It was a pretty day for the middle of October. I had a feeling the different colored leaves splattering the ground would add a little something to the party décor, too. Fall had always been my favorite season, especially the month of October. I just loved the weather, the falling leaves, all of it. For some reason, it all felt so magical.

    “Hey, kiddo. How ya feeling?” My dad asked, coming up behind me and planting a light kiss on the top of my head. I turned just enough to give him a small smile before he sat across from me on the stone table I’d been resting at.

    “I’m exhausted,” I sighed, “Jenny kept me up all night babbling on and on about this party. I think she’s more excited about it than I am.”

    He smiled lightly and patted my hand. “You know how she can be. She gets a little excited every now and then. But I can’t really blame her on this one, Cass. You didn’t get a sweet sixteen, so we all want this party to be special for you.”

     “Oh, Cassie!” A voice sang from somewhere behind me. Speaking of the devil…

    “Hey, Jen,” I greeted her, feeling a smile come onto my face when I took in her excited expression.

    “Guess what!”

    “What?” I asked, knowing whatever she would tell me most likely had something to do with something way overboard.

     “The band called, and they’re a going to be able to make it to the party! They can be here an hour before it starts to set up! Isn’t that great news?”

    That wasn’t so bad. “Yeah! I thought we’d have to use my stereo and iPod.” We had managed to book Breaking Justice, a local, hot band that all the girls went wild for, including me.

    “Well, I better get back to work! Those cute decorators can’t string the lights all by themselves.” With a wink she was off again, walking as fast as her silver sequined boots would take her. I tried to wear those once and ended up feeling like an astronaut. It didn’t help any that she wears a size or two bigger than me, either.

    “I better get back to work too, honey,” My dad said, standing up from the shaded bench. “That pond still needs a few finishing touches.”

     “Dad, was the pond really necessary?” I groaned.

     “It’s not specifically for your party, hun. Your mom hasn’t stopped begging for one since you were born.”

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