Chapter Ten

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I know, I'm horrible! I've been promising an update for like two weeks D: Don't hate me! This is just a quick one, I might change it later (probably not, but who knows) So yeah, sorry :( I've been all over the place... Anyway, enjoy & I'll try to be quicker.


            “I’m so jealous!” Jenny sighed longingly as I raided my closet for an outfit. I bit down on my bottom lip as I debated between jeans and a skirt.

            “Skinnys or miniskirt?” I asked, holding up my options to her.

            “Skinny jeans. Definitely.” She nodded her head towards my right hand. I tossed the skirt to the side and slid the jeans over my underwear. My date with Markus had finally arrived, and I felt a little nervous. I didn’t know what to expect from him, and isn’t like I go on dates every weekend. Believe it or not, I had a tendency to be a little shy sometimes.

            I sucked in a pained breath as I accidently bumped my side on the closet door. “Ugh, I’m getting so sick of these broken ribs,” I groaned.

            “Have your parents even found out about that yet?”

            I pulled a black, sheer lace shirt and pink tank top off their hangers. “Surprisingly, no. You’d figure with my dad being a cop, he’d be a little more observant.”    

            I wiggled out of my powder-blue cami and slid the rest of my outfit on. Jenny gave an appreciative nod as I twirled for her. Having a fashion-forward best friend came in handy. I swiped my makeup bag off the vanity and plopped down in front of the body-length mirror to put on my face. Jenny rambled about how lucky I was to be going out with Markus while I tried to focus on not smearing eyeliner all over myself.

            “I just can’t believe you won’t tell Colby,” She finished as she flipped through the pages of some book.

            “Jenny, please. We’ve been through this already.”

            She rolled her eyes and tossed whatever she had been reading to the side. “I still don’t get why you won’t let him know. He’s not gonna be mad or anything.”

            To be honest, I didn’t even know why I wouldn’t tell. I just had a nagging feeling to keep it a secret from Colby. You learn to trust those things. Letting her question hang, I dabbed on a little lip gloss and zipped up the makeup bag.

            “It’s only one date, it’s not a big deal,” I eventually told her. “This is a one time thing.”

            “You say that now, but once you go out with him, you’re totally going to fall for him.”

            “I definitely won’t. He’s not even my type…” Lies. But I had too much going on at the time for a boyfriend.

            I made the finishing touches to my hair and said goodbye to Jen before Markus showed up. Luckily, my parents were out, so I avoided any awkward pre-date meetings. The sky had just begun to darken by the time we stepped into the movie theater’s lobby. He chose the movie, keeping it a surprise like he said until he bought the tickets.

            “Obsessed?” I raised an eyebrow at his movie choice.

            His dazzling smile made an appearance as we handed our tickets to the ticket-taker. “Yeah. It’s about a woman who gets crazy obsessed with this guy she works with. You know, like, stalks him and stuff.”

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