Chapter Eighteen

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This is it, guys! All that's left now is the epilogue! Thank you so much for reading this, and being such amazing fans(: I have another story I'm working on, but I don't know if I should post it? lol Who am I kidding, I probably will. Any whooo, enjoy my dears <3 Epilogue should be up in a day or two.(:


            A gasp escaped my tightly pursed lips as the cold steel plunged deep into my abdomen. White hot pain ripped through my entire midriff, radiating its burning grasp throughout my whole body and pulsating like a neutron star. Someone jerked the knife out of me and let it fall to the grass by my head, sending another wave of pain washing over me so intense I had the urge to throw up. I felt warm blood seeping out of the wound, covering me in its sticky wetness. I let out a choked gurgle and clutched my stomach with my hand in a vain attempt to stanch the bleeding.

            “Look, she’s as good as gone, let’s get out of here!” I heard Ralphie tell Colby in a panicked whisper.

            “Oh my God,” Colby choked out, I’m assuming what were his knees dropping right beside me. “What did I do?” He asked to no one in particular.

            Something warm and bitter made its way up my throat. I turned my head to the side and excruciatingly sputtered whatever it was out, feeling the last bit of energy I had in my body totally evaporate. I tried to open my eyes, to get one last look at my surroundings in a dying body, but they wouldn’t cooperate. I couldn’t even move my fingers.

            “I-I’m sorry…,” Colby’s voice whispered in my ear before I heard his retreating footsteps take off somewhere deep in the trees. Each breath I pulled in was an effort after that, getting harder and harder every time I inhaled. It felt like some immense mass was resting on my chest, slowly cutting off what little hopes of oxygen I had. I felt too weak to fight, every last ounce of vigor I had leaving my body as my lungs stopped responding and my heart shuttered to a halt.


            Blinding sunlight burned my eyes the second I opened them. My body felt lighter somehow, and the pain in my stomach no longer existed. I rose up, blinking hard against the golden rays pouring warmth over me. A smile made its way to my lips as I took in the lush green ocean spanning out endlessly before me. Off in the distance, I could see mountains rising out of the skyline, misty and beautiful. Serenity enfolded me in its warm blanket, peace and well-being washing through my body.

            I pulled myself into a standing position and took a cautious step forward. Soft grass bent under my weight, and swayed gently around my ankles. I wondered how I’d gotten there, and why I sudden felt so invigorated. I gave my body a once-over, realizing with a start that my skin was flawless. There wasn’t a sign that I’d even had a single bruise, let alone been stabbed in the stomach. My hand automatically went down to where the wound had been, feeling nothing but the cottony fabric of my shirt.

            Had it all been a dream?

            No. I’d felt the knife, felt all the pain. It had to have been real. So one question remained, where was I?

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