Chapter Twelve

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It's not a lot, but it's something! I am so sorry D: I'm a terrible person I know, but you guys are amazing for being so patient! I couldn't ask for better fans! My schedule has been super crazy, and I don't really have time to update often, but I promise, things can only get better from here. I'm still trying guys, don't give up yet(: You won't be dissapointed!


            Rain beat hard against my bedroom window, streaking the world outside until it was completely unrecognizable through the glass. Thunder rumbled deep across the sky, accompanied by eager lighting as it cracked through angry clouds.           A heavy sigh left my lips, fogging the window with a circle of condensation. I ran a finger through the center of it and watched as the rest faded by the edges. Colby and Jen were arguing about something in the background, but I couldn’t force myself to tune into their conversation.

            A painful throbbing began to pulsate in my temples, adding to the knots my stomach had tied itself into. I forced my forehead away from the cool glass and turned to face my quarrelling best friends.

            “Could you two knock it off?” I asked wearily. “I have a headache.”

            Colby stuck his tongue out at Jenny and pulled a brownie from her hands. “Yeah, Jen, stop arguing and give me the brownie,” he muttered.

            She rolled her eyes and slapped him on the back of the head. “Shut up.”

            He narrowed his eyes. “Don’t tell me to shut up, Stupid.”

            “Well don’t call me stupid, Stupid.” They launched into another shouting match, so I grabbed one of my high heels off the floor and threw it at them.

            “Ow!” Jenny cried. They both stopped talking and turned to me with wide eyes.

            I shrugged, “Well, you wouldn’t stop talking.”

            “Sorry,” Colby muttered. “What’s so important that you called both of us over here anyway?”

            I glanced back at the window one more time before heaving myself off the ground and walking towards the bed. I let Colby’s question hang in the air as I pulled a shoe box from beside my nightstand and placed it next it Jenny. I grabbed the most recent note from my stalker and shoved it in her hands.

“Go ahead. Read it.”

Colby read over her shoulder, and I could see their eyes widening as the words finally sunk in.

“Ten days?” Colby asked, blue eyes wide and disbelieving. “When did you get this?”

I shrugged, “Six, maybe seven days ago.”

“What?” Jenny sputtered, “You got this almost a week ago and you’re just now telling us?”

I nodded.

“But, why?”

“Because, Jenny, I knew you guys would try to do something stupid. I figured if I told you at the last minute, you’d be less likely to try and stop it.”

“You are honestly out of your mind Cass. Why don’t you even seem scared?”

“It’s what he wants. He wants me to be scared, to constantly be looking over my shoulder, and I’m not going to give him that satisfaction.”

I knew this guy’s game. He probably wanted me to hole myself up in my room and wait, absolutely terrified for him to come get me. But, I was smarter than that. I wasn’t about to waste what little time I had left with friends and family cowering in a corner.

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