Chapter Two

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Here's chapter two(: Enjoy, lovlies.


   Early morning sunlight streamed in through my open curtains, throwing a halo of light on the beige carpet. I ran the flat iron through my hair one more time before flicking the switch down and turning it off. Jenny tapped away at her iPhone, lounging across the purple and black polka-dotted comforter that was spread over my mattress. I was lucky my parents let me stay home from school, especially since I was only doing it to plan a party. Jen had lenient parents that pretty much let her do whatever, so she had no worries. We were going to spend the entire day at the mall, going over venues, dresses, shoes, and nails. My perky blonde best friend would probably take over most of it since I hated party planning almost as much as I hated Calculus.

   I swiped a finger under each of my eyes to make sure my eyeliner wasn’t smudged, and slipped into my glittery Vans. My hair fell in a raven waterfall down to the end of my shoulder blades, looking like a pool of ink in the bright light. I brushed my side-swept bangs out of my eyes and plopped down beside Jenny. She briefly looked up from her phone before it vibrated again and she went back to texting. I scooped my own cell up in my hands, and drew the unlock pattern across the screen. Ignoring the four new texts, I found my way onto Facebook and went through the few notifications lit up in the corner of the screen.

   “You ready to head out?” I breathed, slipping the Droid into my front pocket.  

  She finally pressed the lock button and pushed the iPhone into her purse. “Yeah! We only have a couple of weeks, so we need to get one the ball!” She smoothly stood up and fluffed out her golden locks. “South Preston Mall here we come!”

  We trouped out to my car, splitting ways when it came down to driver’s side and passenger’s side. I slid in behind the wheel, quickly fastening my seat belt and waiting until Jenny had done the same before I twisted my key in the ignition. I backed out of my driveway and turned in the direction of the mall. Jen leaned forward and cranked up the radio, filling my car with the sounds of Justin Bieber. A scowl found its way on my face, and I leaned forward to switch my Bowling For Soup CD on.

   Jenny squealed beside me, “I love this song!”

   “Me too!” I agreed, finding the lyrics spilling out of both of our mouths on of pure instinct.

    We sang at the top of our lungs to all our favorite songs the whole ride to the mall. When we stopped at a red light we’d face whoever was in the car next to us and give them a personal concert, earning a few laughs and the occasional dirty look. I’m sure most of our innocent victims thought we belonged in some type of insane asylum, especially when I started using my car charger as a microphone. Just another typical car ride with my best friend.

   “You ready to hit up Party City and Body Central?” Jenny asked when I’d pulled into a parking spot and cut the engine.

   “As ready as I’ll ever be.” We climbed out of the car and made our way inside the mall.

    The second I stepped through the double doors, I was lost in a sea of shoppers. People were buzzing in every direction, sipping Icees and nibbling at soft pretzels as they hurried all over the place. I’d say Forever 21 and Glitter were the busiest stores, as usual. Naturally, I dragged Jenny away from all the people and into Body Central. Let’s just say, that shop is like my second home.

   “Do you see that dress?” Jen gasped, dodging a few shoppers to get to a rack in the far corner.

    “That’s cute, but this is cuter.” I pulled a dress with a white bodice and black, ruffled skirt.

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