Chapter two- Non Disclosure Agreement

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Jeury's POV

Just when I thought I had paid the universe the debt I owed, it opened back the closed wound and made me bleed again. I honestly don't know if I should continue with this plan. I am happy, I have the best girlfriend ever, I have my son back, I live in a huge beach house, I have my mom. I'm happy. Is risking everyone's lives worth it? I honestly don't know.

"Once we are inside the submarine there will be no turning back. Are you guys sure you want to do this?" I ask, Everyone nods. "This'll be a fourteen-week-long trip. During those fourteen weeks, you will be pushed beyond your breaking point, you will be tested both mentally and physically by world-renowned scientists and highly experienced marines. By stepping inside this submarine you are all giving up your first amendment, you are also going to be signing NDA's at the entrance. This means that if you at any moment speak to anyone about what we've talked about my team has the ability to sue you. The price to pay would be around fourteen million dollars. By entering this submarine you are waiving your rights to sue any one of us if you get hurt. Understood?" They all nod once again. I move to the side and a huge submarine rises from the water and by huge I mean huge. Two boats come out from the back of the sub and they come towards us. "Let's go!" the man demands.

Skylyn's POV

I get on the boat and take out my phone. I check my recent picture and all the comments are filled with negativity.

She looks pregnant

Who does she think she is?

She should've jumped when she was in new york

My heart breaks and one of the men standing on the boat walks up to me and snatches my phone. "No personal technology." He says with a heavy Russian accent. He throws my phone on the ground and smashes it. "Hey, I just got that!" I yell. He then picks it up and throws it into the water. "No technology." He repeats. I roll my eyes and the boat goes inside the submarine where it's then lifted up by a small crane. We get off of the boat and the boat entrance closes. "Welcome to The Authority," A bunch of TV screens turns on and I look around in awe. "Follow me to the dorms." The guy that smashed my phone says as he starts walking. What have I gotten myself into?

After about ten minutes of walking, we get to a set of huge metal doors. The man places his hand on a scanner and the lights turn green. Access Granted, the speakers say. The doors open revealing a long corridor. "For the next thirteen weeks you will wake up at six in the morning and you will eat breakfast. Once you eat breakfast you will shower and take care of your business. After that, you will all meet with Dr. Yolanda and she will evaluate you. You must attend each event. If you fail to attend there will be consequences. The meetings with Dr.Yolanda will last an hour. Once you're done with that you will be sent to the training area to meet The exterminator." He hands us all a set of blue clothing. "Might as well call us prisoners," I say sarcastically. The man glares at me, "Care to repeat it again tough girl?" My dad comes next to me, "back off man." He says with a threatening look on his face. The man walks up towards his face. "Or what," My dad swings at him but he catches the punch. "I'll tell the exterminator to go harder on you, tough guy." He lets go of my dad's fist and walks down the corridor. I turn to Jeury and he shrugs, "small price to pay for salvation." I shake my head, "What even is his name?" I ask. "Svick," he replies. Great, that definitely completes the murderer profile. He stops at the end and points at the adults, "no sex anywhere." I look at my mom and dad and they seem uncomfortable. "No sex for you either right Svick?" Jayvin says jokingly. "I can have sex with you if I want to," He replies. Jayvin's smile quickly fades and Halley laughs. "I was not joking." Her jaw drops and I laugh internally. "Each room is labeled with a name, you must be asleep by 9 pm. Make yourselves at home, it's not like you have a choice." He walks away and everyone looks at Jeury. "Bro, where did you find these people?" Jayvin asks. Jeury sighs nervously, "I would rather not talk about that."

I lay on my bed bored out of my mind. "Sebastian, do you think the exterminator is as scary as he sounds?" I yell so that he can hear me in the room in front of mine. "I don't know but I hope he doesn't test my patience." He says. My eyes slowly close and I let myself fall asleep.

I wake up to a loud alarm penetrating my eardrums. "Wake up princesses," Svick says as he bangs on our doors. God, I hate that guy. I close my eyes trying to fall asleep again but I'm awoken to the feeling of freezing cold water splashing on me. I let out a yell and Svick shakes his head "I said wake up," He walks away and I shiver. The next two months are going to be hell.

I walk into Yolana's office and she smiles. "Welcome, Skylyn." She says. I 

force a smile and she points at a black couch. "You don't have to fake any emotions with me. So tell me, how do you feel?"

Jamari's POV

"I am g-g-g-good." I say while spinning the wheels to my toy car. Yolanda nods, "Are you sure?"

Halley's POV

"I honestly don't know how I feel. A part of me will always love Karma but the other part of me wishes it were never born." I say as I trace my mask with my thumb. Yolanda writes on a notepad. "How do you feel about hatred?"

Jeury's POV

I take a sip of water, "I think that people who are trying to get back at the people they hate will ultimately just hurt people who were completely innocent." Her eyes open wide and she nods slowly. "That's interesting, Who do you think is the weakest link of the group?"

Damien's POV

"Jeury, I think he's gone through too many traumatic events that have messed up his psyche."

Ashlin's POV

"Autumn, to me she's just a useless bimbo girl."

Sebastian's POV

"Skylyn, her entire life is built on being under the spotlight. There is no firm intellectual base or any kind of self-defense training."

Jayvin's POV 

"Jamari, logically speaking... He's five years old. I think having him in the outskirts would be the best decision."

Autumn's POV

"Miya is the weakest. Not only is she in a relationship with the author of this mission but she has never been part of any type of high-risk situation." 

Skylyn's POV

I leave the office and the guard escorts me to some kind of dojo. The rest of the team walks through the door and a short woman with a bob walks to the front of the room. "Where's the exterminator?" Dad asks. She laughs, "I am the exterminator. We're going to start today's session with a set of motivating words. Jayvin, you were named the weakest link by Skylyn because you have too many people to worry about." My heart drops and Jayvin looks at me with pure feelings of betrayal in his eyes. Jamari, your dad, and Jayvin proclaimed you the weakest link because you are mentally childish." Autumn steps up, "Doesn't that violate HIPAA?" The exterminator walks up to her. "Doesn't invading a maximum security Russian bunker violate the law?" Fair point. Autumn steps back and the exterminator continues reading off of what looks like to be Yolanda's notepad. "I-I-I- H-Hate you." My eyes widen and I look at Jamari who is facing his dad. The submarine rocks forward aggressively causing everyone to fall. A siren plays from the loudspeakers and Svick runs inside. "The anchor has made the submarine hit a huge rock. There's a hole in the ship. We're flooding!"

Sincerely, SkylynWhere stories live. Discover now