Chapter three- Titanic

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Water starts filling the sub and everyone stands in panic. "The submarine can't drain out the water if water is still coming in. Does anyone know how to weld?" Svick exclaims. Jamari steps up, "I d-d-do." Everyone states in confusion, "When did you learn how to weld?" Jeury asks. " m-maybe if you p-payed attention to m-m-me, you'd know." Svick grabs his arm, "let's get you into a scuba diving suit."

Svick's POV

We run into the emergency room and I grab a blue scuba diving suit. "Put it on," I say as I hand him the suit. Jamari nods sadly, "Hey kid, don't let anyone say you can't do something. I see it in you, there's a fire in your eyes that looks insatiable. You're going to be great." The sub shakes and I almost lose my balance. "You've got to hurry." I hand him the welding machine and he grabs it. I look inside the box and take out a shielding mask, "Put it on, you have to trace the shape of the hole but be careful because if you go too deep... you'll make the hole un-fixable. Are you sure you can do this?" Jamari spins the wheels of his car and I sigh. "You can do it, it's as easy as driving a car." He nods and looks through a window, "P-p-pressure!" He exclaims with a tone of worry. I walk to him and look out of the window, "Pressure?" He nods, "F-five minutes b-b-before water pr-r-ressure kills me." I put my hand on his shoulder, "Go prove them wrong Jamari." I run to the escape hatch, water going inside my boots. "Come on!" I exclaim. He walks timidly towards me, "Run Jamari!" I yell with frustration. He picks up the pace and I activate the oxygen. I open the hatch and he jumps inside the water.

Jamari's POV

I feel the heavy pressure of the water sitting on top of my head, my neck feels like it's going to snap. I swim to the left side of the sub and see the hole. Okay, I have to weld the hole shut in less than five minutes...a hole this size is a twenty-minute job...

Skylyn's POV

The water reaches up to my knees and the siren only gets louder. I run to my dad out of fear and he holds me tightly. My mom and brother come next to us and we see Jamari swim by, "Jeury, look!" I exclaim. Jeury's head turns and he furrows his eyebrows, "he can swim too?" Elijah nods, "Yeah, I taught him. You should try treating him like your son sometime." Jeury rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "Don't try to tell me how to be a parent." he disputes. Elijah walks up to Jeury, "Or what." Jeury closes his fist and suddenly Halley pulls him back and puts a knife in front of his neck, "If you dare touch my son not only will I slice your neck but I will do the same thing to your sister if she's alive." The boat rocks and Jamari bangs on the window with his toy car. We all turn to him and he points to the window behind us, we turn around and a huge whale is zooming towards us. "Torpedo it!" The exterminator demands, everyone stands still with panic and she sighs, she runs to a red button near the window and she presses it and a torpedo shoots the whale. The bullet pierces through the whale's head and it lets out a loud whistle before falling down. I check the window Jamari was at but he's gone. Svick runs inside with the word nervous written all over his face. "Did Jamari come inside yet?" He questions. We shake our heads and the sirens turn off. "He did it!" Doriam exclaims. Draining excess water, the sub says. "Thank you all for your patience. We will resume our course. There are 98 days to go." A man on a loudspeaker says. We cheer but we are stopped by Svick's loud voice. "Where is Jamari?" He yells. We all look around and I run to the window, I look around the dark waters until I see a small light glowing in the darkness. "There's his car!" I exclaim as I point. Svick shakes his head, "Dammit!" He runs out of the dojo and after a few minutes, we see him swimming back up to the sub with Jamari in his arms. I open a nearby hatch and Svick brings Jamari's body up. My dad grabs him and pulls him up, Jayvin and Doriam immediately look at each other and they spring into action.

Sincerely, SkylynOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz