Chapter five- You're sacred

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16 years earlier

Jamari's POV

I fall down and the burning feeling in my heart won't stop. My toy car drops and Jayvin's yells echo in my head as if he was screaming in a cave. Why won't he stop yelling? Why won't the pain stop? A tear rolls down my face and a bright white light blinds me. I feel myself get lifted into the air and when I'm finally able to see again, A pretty woman with brown hair and gold wings greets me. "Jamari, are you okay?" She asks with a smile. I nod, "Is my mommy okay?" She stops smiling and extends her hand, "Come with me let's talk." I hold her hand and we walk through some tall grass, "In life, there are certain events that break people to pieces. For example, do you know what death is?" I nod, "My dad says that when someone dies, they go to sleep forever." She nods, "Your dad is a smart man. Well, when someone dies it means they will never wake up. And that can really hurt someone. It can make them cry and it can make them want to die. But you have to be strong, there are a few steps to overcoming death. Let me show you the story of Franny Lileth."

She snaps her fingers and the bright light appears again. When it dies down, excitement fills my heart, "Are we flying?" She smiles, "Yes Jamari we are." I clap, "who is she?" I ask as I point down at a woman lying down on a sofa. "That's Franny, she's about to receive a piece of information that will break her. It should happen any moment now."

Franny's POV

I get up from my sofa after I hear my phone ringing and make my way to it. I press the green button and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I hear my mom's voice shaking in the background. "Fran, they killed your brother!" She sobs. The phone slips out of my hand and falls to the floor, my hands shake and my breathing pace changes. I quickly grab my phone and hang up, "No, he's not dead. Me and him were going to watch a movie today, he's probably just at the movie theatre waiting for me. Yeah, that's where he is" I say nervously.

Jamari's POV

"Let's follow her, shall we?" The angel says. I nod while feeling a bit scared. I grab her hand tightly and she smiles. "Everything will be okay. You won't get hurt, I promise." She snaps and we start walking behind Franny in the movie theatre.

Franny's POV

I look around trying to find Edward until I finally do. I run over to him and hug him tightly, "I knew you weren't dead. You wouldn't leave me just like that!" Edward pushes me away, "Who are you?"

Jamari's POV

"Why is she hugging that old lady and calling her Edward?" I ask. The angel comes down to my eye level, "Franny is in the first stage of grief which is called denial." I furrow my eyebrows, "What does denial mean?" She smiles, "Well, denial is when someone purposely chooses not to believe something happened. In this case, Franny is choosing to believe that her brother is still alive after being told that he was declared dead." I nod and look back at Franny.

Franny's POV

"What do you mean Eddy? It's me, your sister!" I say. He shakes his head, "I have no idea who you are. Please stop touching me."

Jamari's POV

The old lady pushes Franny and she falls on the floor. That was mean, "She didn't have to push her." The angel sighs, "Yeah you are right on that part. Let's go deeper into the stages of grief. The next stop is guilt." She snaps her fingers and once again, the bright light takes us to another area.

"What can I call you?" I ask the angel. She tilts her head, "You can call me Maggie." I smile and nod. We walk through a bunch of trees until we get to a house covered in moss. "Open the door Jamari," Maggie says. I walk towards the door and place my hand on the knob. I look back at Maggie and I shake my head. "I don't want to do it." She walks up to me and places her hand on top of mine, "Let's do it together then." We turn the doorknob and push the door open to reveal a really cozy-looking living room. I slowly make my way inside and when I look at the chimney I see Franny on the floor crying. "I should've told him to stay home! It's my fault, all of it!" She sobs. I look over at Maggie and she has a very concerned look on her face. "Why is she saying it's her fault?" I ask. "Usually guilt comes as we look back over events surrounding the death of our loved one and we imagine how things might have unfolded differently. We sometimes conclude that maybe, just maybe, we could have done something that would have changed the outcome." Maggie answers. Franny gets up and makes her way to the kitchen. She opens the fridge and takes a sip of milk straight out of the jug. Franny walks to the sink and she grabs a knife, "What is she going to do?" I ask. Maggie covers my eyes, "Oh nothing she's just going to cut some chicken to eat." I nod, "I'm glad she feels good enough to eat."

Sincerely, SkylynWhere stories live. Discover now