Chapter Ten- Traitor

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Years earlier

Mona's POV

"Your brother is a blessing Lealia, this trip was well needed for the both of us," I say with a huge smile while I pack my bags. My daughter nods slowly, "right..." I take out a file from under the bed, "Do you know how many lives this information will save?" Lealia nods, "how did you even find that?" I put my index finger on my mouth as a shushing gesture, "that's a secret." I put the file inside the suitcase and I close it. "Our uber is downstairs, let's go." I walk to the door but Lealia stays behind, "go, I need to use the bathroom I'll meet you downstairs."

Lealia's POV

She nods and walks out of the room. I quickly run to my phone and I call one of my friends who works for the FBI, "Richard Morreno, my mom has some files that could greatly affect the USA's income."

Mona's POV

"Alright, mom I love you, have a safe flight," My son says quickly hanging up afterward. Lealia comes behind me and smiles, "okay, I'm ready to go now."

Agent Richard's POV

"I won't be able to pick you up today Damien, something came up," I say hoping he'll understand. "Yeah, I figured," he replies bitterly. I try to speak but he hangs up. I sigh, he'll be fine...character development...right? Anyway, there's no time for that. I need to contact the president. I speed walk to the communications room and I press a small red button under a desk. A loud ringing noise plays and I hear the door lock itself. "White House, who am I speaking to?" A woman asks. I clear my throat, "this is agent Morreno from base AP13, we have a problem that could cost the United States billions of dollars. I need to speak to the president."

Later that day

Mona's POV

 I listen to my favorite song by Franny Lileth while on my way to the airport. Everything is so beautiful right now. Lealia taps my shoulder and I take my headphones off, "what's wrong?" She points to her ear, "do you hear that?" I focus my ears on background noise and I shrug, "no?" Her eyes widen, "mom, look out!" I turn my head to look at the window next to me and a huge truck slams into us making the car flip.

Everything begins to move in slow motion and there's a loud ring in my head that won't die down. The car stops moving and I feel a firm grip on my arm. I feel myself getting pulled out but my body shuts down causing me not to lose myself.

I open my eyes and thankfully the ringing noise came to a stop. But when I sit up... I start to panic. "Get me out of here!" I yell. My voice echoes through the halls and realization arrives... Someone snitched...

Lealia's POV

Richard walks up to my cell and unlocks the door, "how are you feeling?" I Shrug, "I've been better." He nods, "let's get you out of here." He uncuffs me and helps me get up. "Thank you for this, Lealia. You gave me something valuable so I'll grant you one wish. It can be anything...other than crazy amounts of money." I smile, "I want to infiltrate a Russian base and help the USA take over it." Richard smiles, "you should've stayed in school. Maybe then me and you could've been partners. I'll speak to the president and I'll see what we can arrange."

The next day

I walk into the president's office and he greets me with a hug, "our savior has arrived!" He says while laughing. I smile awkwardly and he points at a seat in front of his desk. "Richard told me about your wish and I think it's a great idea. Just sign this NDA and this contract stating that you'll work as an undercover agent in Russia for the next ten years. If you violate the contract it'll count as military desertion with a penalty of ten years in prison." I nod and I take a pen to sign the papers. 

Sincerely, SkylynWhere stories live. Discover now