Evie's Birthday

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I made everyone leave England after that. I told Luke to go home. I told him I would get a restraining order if he didn't. I told Calum he needed to take his mom home, before she drove me crazy. So, all the people, friends or otherwise, left England. Niall's band obviously stuck around.

After that, I decided I didn't want to go back to Australia. I just couldn't go back. I liked England. Niall liked the idea, too. In fact, when I told him, he spun me around.

"My princess is staying!" He said it for about ten days straight. It was nice to just have us around. I could spend my birthday with him.

I just didn't use my plane ticket. I ripped it up and threw it away.

Niall and I didn't host any parties. Sometimes, we would have his band mates over, but I didn't like the noise too much.

I did so much housework during the day. Niall and I were constantly hungry. I was always baking cookies or cakes because of our sweet teeth. Niall called it soul nourishment.

There was always so much to clean in the kitchen. We used so many dishes. Niall would turn on music and we would dance while cleaning. One time, Niall spilt water on the floor and he slipped and hit his head. He was fine, of course. He started laughing and I knew he was fine.

A few days before my birthday, Niall was being really secretive. He was making a ton of phone calls.

"What did you get me?" I asked the night before my birthday. I crawled into bed next to him.

"Now, now, missy." He kissed my head. "That would ruin the surprise."

"No, just tell me! I'll pretend to be surprised! I have a great face for it!"

"Go to bed." He turned his lamp off.

I groaned. "But I'll be eighteen tomorrow! You have to have something major planned."

He put his finger up to his lips. "I won't say." He kissed me then said good night. I wrapped an arm around him and fell asleep.

The next morning, I was in bed all alone. I quickly got up. The last time Niall wasn't here when I woke up, he went to Luke's hotel to punch him.

I wrapped a blanket around myself and rushed downstairs. The smoke detector started beeping. Niall started cursing at it.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Well," He yelled over the smoke alarm, "I was going to make you hash browns, but I burned them. So, I decided on eggs. Burned those as well."

I started laughing. "You're an idiot." I threw the blanket on the couch. I opened up a window and helped him clean up the kitchen.

"Let's just go get breakfast somewhere else." I told him. "We can pretend to be rich and-"

"I am rich." He interrupted me. "But go on.

"We can pretend to be rich and dress up really fancy and go to like a hotel restaurant."

"Anything for you today." He kissed my forehead. "Happy birthday, Princess."

"Thank you, Niall." He went upstairs to take a shower. I finished cleaning the kitchen. Then I took a shower and got dressed.

We went to a fancy hotel called Locello's. Niall said it opened decades ago, right after World War Two. The hotel was to welcome back soldiers and families who didn't have homes after the war.

"This is great." Niall said. "Look at us! Pretending to be rich."

I giggled and opened up the menu. I didn't pay attention to the prices, but I ended up ordering the cheapest thing on the menu, which were pancakes.

FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora