Bad Luck

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"I missed you." Niall placed his hand on my cheek. I was finally sleeping next to him again. I wanted to be close to him again. I don't know why I didn't remember him. How could I not? I loved him.

"I missed you, too." I moved closer to him. I buried my face in his chest and wrapped an arm around him. "Even though I didn't know I did."

"Let's not think about that." Niall kissed my forehead multiple times.

"Niall, stop." I giggled.

"No." He said. He started to tickle me.

"Niall!" I laughed. "Stop!" I tried to squirm away.

"No!" Niall pulled me on top of him. He wrapped his arms around me. "You're mine." I ran my hands through his hair,

"I know." I said. "I don't want to be anyone else's." I placed a kiss on his lips.

"Good." Niall started to kiss me deeper. "Because I love you."

"You'd be crazy if you didn't." I said. I laid next to him, using his arm as a pillow. I kept an arm wrapped around him. Something was bothering me. I tried to ignore it, though.

I closed my eyes. Niall's breathing slowed and I knew he had fallen asleep. I tried to sleep too. But at 2am, I was still awake. Niall had shifted a couple times. I tried to move, but even asleep he had a tight grip.

Another hour passed, then I finally got out of Niall's arms. I went downstairs to make tea, hoping that I would finally be able to fall asleep.

I turned on TV, but nothing was on except for a late comedy show. I turned the TV off and drank my tea in silence. I just couldn't get past it.

Why did Niall wait around for me? I pushed him away a ton. I didn't understand why he kept coming back for me.

"Babe?" Niall walked into the room, rubbing his eyes. "Why are you down here?"

"I can't sleep." I told him. "I've just got a lot on my mind."

He frowned. "Why are you thinking? It's so late."

"I've been thinking since I remembered." I sighed. "About you and me. Mostly you."

He sat down next to me. "What were you thinking?" He pulled me on his lap and wrapped his arms around me.

"Well, you know how I didn't want you around?" I whispered. I didn't want to talk about it.

"That wasn't you, baby." He kissed my shoulder.

"I didn't mean any of it. I promise, Niall. I'm so in love with you."

"It's ok, Evs. Shh, it's ok."

"Why did you stick with me? I'm not worth that. I'm just not."

"Evangeline," He lowered his voice, "You are my favorite person. You're the light of my life and you know I would give it up for you." He kissed my neck and then my cheek. His arms wrapped tighter around me.

"Stars shining bright above you." He started singing. "Night breezes seem to whisper I love you. Birds singing in the sycamore tree. Dream a little dream of me..."

I sighed and started singing along. "Say nighty night and kiss me. Just hold me tight and tell me you miss me."

I started laughing. My voice didn't match Niall's at all. Mine seemed deeper than his somehow. And I couldn't sing, so I just kept laughing. Niall started laughing, and pressed his face into my shoulder. I leaned back and rested my head on his shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

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