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"I can't believe I'm doing this." I sighed. "I mean, really. Therapy! Does it look like I need it?"

"Somewhat." Calum said, going back to his magazine.

"Hey, what's a five letter word for an ignorant person ?" Niall asked.

I slapped him on the back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He asked me.

"Pay attention to me. By the way, the answer is Niall."

"Look, this is important." Niall set his newspaper down. "You need to be happy. You keep having nightmares."

"Yeah. A random lady does not need to know that." I said.

"Hi, are you Evie?" A tall woman walked into the waiting room.

"Unfortunately." I muttered.

"I'm Dr. Eliza Pensler. It's so nice to meet you." She held out her hand. I shook it, half heartedly.

"We'll be back." Dr. Pensler told Calum and Niall.

I turned to Niall. "You owe me." I mouthed.

I went inside her office, which didn't look like a normal shrink's office. I was expecting a leather couch and a big chair. I didn't see a notepad anywhere. Was she not going to ask me about my feelings?

There was just a desk and a chair on either side. There was a computer on the desk along with a nameplate.

"So, Evie." She said. "You may call me Eliza. I believe in a first name basis with my patients."

"Is that before you tell me it's all my dad's fault?" I grumbled.

"I see you don't really want to do this."

"My boyfriend and brother are making me. I'd rather keep my life between me and the people I love, thank you. Great discussion." I got out of the chair.

"Evie, I want to start with what happened at the start of the tour."

"I'd rather not discuss it." I sat back down. "Water under the bridge, you know."

"Niall was originally dating Ellie Goulding, correct?" She opened up a file on her desk.

"Who told you that?"

"Every social media website. They broke up and then you two started dating."

"It didn't happen exactly like that. Yeah, they were dating but...Wait, I see where this is going. You aren't going to get me to talk by mentioning Ellie."

"You say her name like you're spitting it out. Why is that?"

"I don't have to answer that."

"This isn't an interrogation, Evie. I really do care for your wellbeing."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, right. You're getting paid to listen to me."

"You're a puzzle, according to your brother. I didn't know he meant it. I thought he was exaggerating."

"Calum doesn't exaggerate. Calum means everything he says." I crossed my arms and legs.

"What about your boyfriend? He just got back from tour, correct?"

"You could've gotten that from anywhere." I didn't want to answer any questions. I took a peppermint from her desk and popped it in my mouth.

"Well, doesn't he go on tour again in February?"

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