Love You Goodbye

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I stood in front of the mirror. My wedding dress reached the floor. I ran my hands over the silky skirt. I pulled on the lace sleeves. In my mind, I kept going back to that one night. I thought about the way I had kissed Niall that one night. I thought about the reassurance and the way he held me. No one had ever done that before. Niall loved me more than anyone else. And yet, in all honesty, I was afraid of the future.

"Here's your veil." Gemma walked into the room with the long veil that I had bought. Sophia and Gemma were the only bridesmaids that I was left with. Louis had begged me not to invite Eleanor and Zayn had stopped talking to us. Everyone had gotten into this huge fight and Zayn dropped us like a hat.

"Gemma, am I pretty?" I asked her.

"You look gorgeous!" Gemma told me. "Why? What's wrong?"

"What if Niall doesn't think I'm pretty? What if I walk down the aisle and he sees me-"

"Stop that right now." Gemma snapped. "You are gorgeous and he will love you no matter what."

I looked down at my shoes. Maybe it would've been better if Niall and I had never met. None of this would have happened.

I started crying and Gemma sighed at me. She wrapped me in a hug and I cried into her shoulder. I just wanted to be good enough for Niall. I didn't want him to leave me.

"He loves you." Gemma whispered. She pushed herself away. "Now, let's get you out of this dress and maybe you can take a nap or something." She nodded and unbuttoned my dress.

After she helped me out of my dress, I got changed for bed. She put my dress in her car, so Niall wouldn't find it. I didn't want him to see my dress before the big day.

"Want my help with anything else?" Gemma asked.

"Do you think Niall and I are a good match?" I asked.

She laughed. "Yes, you moron." She pulled the bed covers back. "It's late. Go to bed."

"Gemma, I'm not a child." I sighed. "Just tell me. Are Niall and I ready for something like this?"

"Of course you are." She smiled at me then pointed at the bed. I sighed, and begrudgingly went under the covers.

Before I knew it, I was asleep. The dreams didn't come, though. They were nightmares.

I stood in the parking lot, my dad in front of me. Niall stood behind me. I felt a bullet pierce my skin. I turned around. The bullet had done almost no damage. I was almost immune to it. Niall pulled back his plaid T-shirt and unveiled a wound. It was the largest gunshot wound I had ever seen.

I screamed and threw myself over Niall's fallen body. My dad stood above us, firing shot after shot.


After a long day of recording, I finally got home around 10pm. I threw the keys on the coffee table. I called for Evie, but I didn't hear anything.

"Would you shut up?" Gemma came downstairs. "Good Lord, she finally fell asleep."

I laughed, "She's not a baby, Gemma."

She rolled her eyes. "She's so young, Niall. You don't even know the half of it."

I was confused by the way she had put her words, but I shrugged it off and went upstairs.

I found Evie, laying in bed, sleeping. I smiled. I got to sleep next to that angel for the rest of my life.

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