New Life

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"You can't go. You just can't." Calum shook his head.

"I'm going to be gone for a month." I reminded him. "It's just a trial period." I sighed. I wished it was for real.

"I can't believe they're letting you do this. We have been trying to protect your entire life and you kick us to the curb for Niall!"

I slammed the cover of my suitcase down. "Excuse me? You think I'm giving you up?"

"That's what it feels like."

I stared at him. "Calum, you've left me before! Multiple times! For your band!"

"That's different! I come back!" He opened up my suitcase again. He started taking clothes out. "I am not losing you to some Irish-"

"Finish that sentence. I dare you." I ripped the clothes out of his hands.

"You can't leave because Niall thinks it's a good idea." He lowered his voice.

"It's not him." I whispered. "I'm leaving for me." I sighed. "Too many memories wrapped up in Sydney."

"Then just leave the city. Move to Melbourne!"

"Ha. No." I shut my suitcase again. I kicked Calum out of my room to finish packing.

When I was done, I sighed and sat on my bed. Then I fell backwards. I watched my fan spin around in circles. I didn't know why Calum thought I was abandoning him. His band was constantly leaving me behind. This was no different. I was going to England, for one month. I'd be back the day before my birthday.

I was going to live with Niall in his house in Mullingar, but then plans changed. Niall was called for some work in London so we arranged to stay in a timeshare house.

It was like he and I were going to play marriage. I was excited. It was a fresh start. It was a new house with new surroundings and new neighbours. All of it was new. It was going to be perfect.

Niall and I were leaving the next day. Mrs. Hood did not want me to leave. She had something against Niall, even though he saved my life. I still couldn't put my finger on what Niall had done to make Mrs. Hood hate him. I figured it was just that he was there when everything went down.

I was allowed to go to London on two conditions: 1) I still went to therapy and 2) I didn't get kidnapped again. I was ok with not getting kidnapped again, but I loathed therapy. As long Eliza Pensler wasn't on the other end of it, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I lived with that hope in my life.

Niall said that London was pretty this time of year. He said that the timeshare house was near the city, but not directly in it. It was close to Harry's house, but he went to New York City for a while. Harry told me he had some memories there he wanted to relive.

My phone started vibrating next to me. I picked it up and held it in front of my face. Niall was calling.

"You can't wait twelve hours?" I laughed into the phone.

"Nope. I have to talk to you right now." He said.

"You're so clingy. I might as well have a dog."

"Tease me all you want, darling, but without me you aren't going to London."

"Ok, I'll behave." I sat up.

"You don't have to behave." He said, slickly.

"Keep it up, Niall, and we won't be going."

"I just wanted to call you and remind you how early I'm picking you up."

"I know. I know."

"We'll be able to start somewhere. You and me together, Princess. A nice house in London with days at our disposal!"

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