Heart Attack

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"Wait, what?" I asked Eliza. I wanted to make sure I heard her correctly.

"How much does Niall actually mean to you?" She said. She was completely calm. I was flipping out on the inside.

"How much does he mean to me?" I repeated. "Are you kidding me?" I started laughing. "Are you trying to make me hate you?"

She shook her head. "You seem to like this Luke boy so much more." She shuffled some papers around. She had one of the photos Ellie had leaked on the internet for revenge.

"This..." I held up the picture. "Is out of context. You see, I had just run away and-"

"You ran away?" She started typing.

"Not important. I'm talking about the picture. I had just been robbed and-"

"You were robbed?" Eliza seemed to believe whatever I said. I almost decided to lie to her and tell her stuff that didn't happen.


Then I remembered I was grounded from Niall and if I did anything else stupid, that might become a life sentence.

"Look, lady." I said. "I love Niall with all my heart. Do you have a daughter or something? Do you know someone who is made at me? Because, if so, I can talk to them. People tend to like me after they talk to me...Except Ellie...And my father."

"Evie, I'm finding that much of the pain you're feeling is coming from Niall."

"Well, a lot of my happiness comes from Niall. I either only feel pain or have someone to hold me when I feel it."

"Maybe, if you took a break from Niall-"

"Out of the question."


"Nope." I got out of my seat. I saluted her. "See ya, lady." I slammed the door on my way out.

"Again?" Calum sighed. "When are you going to spend a full day in there? We're paying big bucks, you know."

"Calum, she's crazier than I am!" I looked over at the receptionist. The receptionist quickly looked back at her computer.

"I want to see Niall." I crossed my arms.

"You're grounded, remember?" He pulled his keys out of his pocket. We started walking out the door and through the parking lot.

"Yeah, but you're not! Loophole!" I said. "I want to see Niall."

He unlocked the car. "No."

He got in the driver's seat. The engine started going. I stood by the passenger side door and didn't get in.

Calum rolled down the window. "Are you getting in?"

"Are you going to take me to Niall?" I replied.

"Do you want me to leave you stranded here?! Get in the freakin' van!" Calum raised his voice at me.

I rolled my eyes at him and angrily opened the door. I sat down and tried to pull the seatbelt out. It got stuck, though.

"Come on." I mumbled. I tried pulling on it harder and harder.


"Come on!" I yelled at the seatbelt.

Calum reached over me and pulled the seatbelt over my chest. The seatbelt clicked.

"And you say you're ok." Calum muttered. He started backing out of the parking lot.

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