Too Young?

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Niall walked me into the new therapy building. The building had other medicine practice offices. I had been nervous before, but walking into the therapy building felt like I was crazy instead of sick.

I know some people needed therapy, but I didn't feel like I needed it. I was content with my new life in England. I just wish Mrs. Hood was happy about it, too.

"Good luck, babe." Niall kissed my cheek. "I've got to run."

"Ok. You'll pick me up in an hour, right?" I said, holding on to his hand.

"Unless you walk out early again." He teased.

"I'll try not to. I love you."

"Love you, too."

"Don't get into any trouble." I called as he walked out the door.

"I won't!" He waved.

I sighed as I watched him leave. I sat down and waited for my appointment to start. After this, I would be headed toward the bridal store. That's all that mattered. I wanted to at least know what kind of dress I wanted. I could imagine myself in any style gown.

I looked at my ring. I had to tell my therapist I was engaged, but it was afraid she was going to judge me. I was only seventeen. Marriage isn't common at my age.

The door to the therapists' office opened. A middle aged man and his wife walked out of the room, holding her hand tightly.

"Work on those exercises." An old lady came out of the office. "Hopefully you two will stop fighting by the time I see you next week."

"Thank you, Dr." The wife said.

They walked out the door and disappeared from my sight.

"You must be Evangeline." The old lady came up to me. She held her out. I shook it. "I'm Beverly."

"You can call me Evie." I said. "I prefer that."

Beverly smiled. "Shall we get started?" I followed her into her office. Her office was a light brown color. She had pictures of her children and grandchildren on the walls, along with college degrees. There was a large, leafy plant in the corner. She had a bonsai tree next to her nameplate on the desk. I sat down in a large red velvet chair that nearly swallowed me. I was guessing she had large patients.

"Now, Evie," Beverly sat down in her black leather office chair. She folded her hands. "Tell me about yourself."

"Um...I'm seventeen." I started. "I'm sorry, what do you want to know?"

"Oh, just anything! Right off the top of your head! Just spill your beans."

"Ok...Um, I'm engaged." I held up my hand.

"Oh, what's his name?"

"Niall. He's in One Direction. I'm sure you've heard of him."

"I have, mostly from my granddaughter. She's quit smitten with Harry. Is Niall the one with the beard? I can't keep them straight."

"No, Niall is clean shaven. He can't grow a beard. He gets a little bit of stubble but it's nothing major. He's blond and Irish."

"Oh! That one!" She hit her desk. "I should have known that. Lilly will be so disappointed with me." She shook her head, mad at herself. She looked back up at me. "When's the big day?"

"December of next year. I wanted a December wedding."

Beverly clapped her hands together. "Marvelous. Marvelous. Simply marvelous. Tell me, dear. Anyone major attending?" Her eyes twinkled behind her bright pink glasses.

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