Chapter Seventeen - Sci/O;

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Nyr ~ How many times have I come back from that world just to stare up at this ceiling..?

Nyr ~ A few hundred? Over a thousand maybe..? It seems unlikely..

Nyr ~ Do I want to know?

She lies motionless with the back of her wrist slumped over her forehead, brain desperately trying to reject the severity of the situation, procrastinating the need to reconcile her next course of actions.

Nyr - "[Sigghh....]"

Her hand awkwardly twists and tugs at her face, trying to wipe away the anxiety.

Nyr - "Aghh..!"

Nyr - "A-Again..?!"

Nyr ~ Transitioning between not having an arm and having one is getting to be quite the nuisance..!

Nyr ~ I wonder if I respawned in-game if it would fix it..?

Nyr ~ Probably huh.. It always repairs all damage..

Nyr ~ But still, I shouldn't throw away that life, it's unique! I can't wait to see the look on some peoples faces when they realize! Everyone was so distracted with the fighting that the few people we did briefly see didn't even notice..

Nyr - "Hahhh.. Whatever..!"

She pushes all the thoughts out of her head as she pulls herself upright.

Nyr - "EuwehgHhHhHhh..!"

Nyr - "W-Wha..?"

Nyr ~ Why does that feel a little.. off..

Nyr - "Oh no.."

Nyr - "Oh that's so embarrassing.."

Nyr ~ I forgot that was earlier..

Nyr ~ And even through the headset..

Nyr ~ Curse the inability to block out involuntary actions..!

Nyr - "Bwehhh.."

Nyr ~ The sensation in those areas is already reduced to a fraction of normal to discourage this kind of thing.. But I'm so pathetic, what does it even matter..?!

Nyr ~ I hope I didn't make any strange sounds during all that..

Nyr - "Xiko...."

Nyr ~ Whatever.. I'll just prepend a change of underwear to the list of things to do..

One firm flip of a quaint tactile switch later and the array of screens suspended over the desk glow to life with useless information before her butt is even in the seat.

Nyr - "Hahhh.. Halllright, let's see.."

Connecting through a specially encrypted and obfuscated route, a few deft keystrokes initiates a simple first step in a complicated operation.

Nyr ~ Stage one: Research..

The term "Sci/O" is entered into a web search.

Nyr - "Oh.."

'DeepVR-MMO Lead Sci/O Under Fire From Community After Lacking Response to Ongoing Server Issues'

Nyr - "Huh.."

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