AKOMT_Part 15

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"Move!," I bellowed at him. I had to push him out of the way just to get past. He was still standing there like an ice statue.

I had no real idea how I snapped out of my own trance so quickly, but I know what snapped me into it.

Laying there on Nathan's porch was my Pookie. There was the tiniest sliver of moonlight out and it hit her face clarifying her pale skin making her appear ethereal. At first sight, she looked like a dead body.

Then, I almost  cursed my own mind out. I couldn't afford to think of Sang like that. Not as a dead body. Never that.

She looked like our own Sleeping Beauty.

I bent down and pressed my fingertips to her neck at the pulse point. Exhaling a relieved breath, I felt that her pulse was beating strong and steady.

Choruses of "Sang", "Peanut," "Trouble," and how many other nicknames for the delight in my arms were ringing out as the others finally became aware of what our little door prize actually was. Our little bird.

As I wrapped my arms around her, lifting her from the ground and into my arms squeezing her tightly to reassure myself that she was alright, I wondered why she wasn't waking up. I guessed that she was just sleeping, why on the porch I had no idea. But usually Sang is alerted and awakes at the slightest shift of air around her.

This time, Sang didn't move at all. Her body was so still and her chest barely seemed to rise with her breaths.

It was easy to picture her too still body lying on the ground as a corpse, a beautiful one, but still a corpse. An image that would haunt me.

The boys made a narrow path to the couch where I moved to lay her down. After, I sat right beside her and shook her a little trying to wake her up.

After a few more shakes, her eyes started to blink open and I could swear the gorgeous green looked duller. Her eyes started to shine like tears were about to start falling but that could have been a reflection of the light. Sang had no reason to cry just seeing me, did she?

"Hey there Pookie," I graced her with one of my amazing flirty smiles. She had absolutely no reaction.

I couldn't playfully tell her to stop giggling if she wasn't giggling, and she always but always giggled at that name.

"Sang, are you alright?" I asked. My doctor side was coming out.

She didn't speak but started flicking her eyes around the others and I could swear the sheen in her eyes gleamed when she landed on North, Victor, Luke, and Gabriel. As her eyes hit each of them, I saw a glimmer of hurt and betrayal in them and wondered what had happened?

"Sang? What kind of walk did you go on that made you not speak afterwards?" I tried to keep humor in my tone but I most definitely wasn't finding anything fun right now.

Pulling out my pocket flashlight, I tugged on her bottom lip and flashed inside looking at her throat for a reason for her muteness.

"Why isn't she speaking?!" Silas' accented voice rang out into the air sounding calm, too calm for the situation. I knew him, I knew if I looked his way his hands would be clenched into tight fists ready to fight some nameless foe for harming his Aggele.

I was right along with him.

"I don't know, her throat looks fine."

A moment after I spoke this, Kota's voice called out. I hadn't even paid any attention to what he or the others were really doing. Sang was the focus of every centimeter of my attention right now.

I heard him say "These were on the porch," and looked his way to see two black bags hanging from his left hand while his right hand was digging inside pulling out.... two black folders?

"Were they with Sang?," Nathan asked.

Kota replied "I guess. They were just lying on the ground," only to be cut off by Victor saying "What's inside them? Solution 1 and Solution 2? What does that mean?"

I looked up at Kota and he shrugged.

Owen commanded "Open them Mr. Lee., Dr. Green can you figure out why Ms. Sorenson isn't speaking?" Oh she was back to Ms. Sorenson was she?

Ugh, I could smack Owen sometimes, but he'd probably take away my not-so-secret stock of chocolate cappuccino muffins that I brought over for Sang today. He would do it too, anything to keep a brother down. I smirked at my own thought but I needed to hear Sang's giggle.

Out of the periphery of my eye, I saw her fingertips start to twitch. I gripped them looking at her face but her eyes were trained on those folders Kota was currently opening.

Concerned filled my entire body. If I didn't know any better, I would say those folders scared her.

Looking up at Kota, I said "Kota, whatever is in those folders, she's terrified of them. They must be pretty important."

He didn't bother to look up as he replied in a soft voice "They are."

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