AKOMT_Part 21

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**Sang's POV** (sorry it's going to be short guys)

I felt my eyes start stinging so I knew that I was going to start crying soon but I was determined to get answers before I did.

The venom thing the Voltos had injected me with had worn off while the guys were all discussing the folders' contents. I began checking that by wiggling my fingertips and I could feel the slight pressure Dr. Green exerted on them when he gripped me so I knew that those were okay. I then started trying to move my legs; my toes didn't seem to be connected to my body since they wouldn't move but I could feel the small jerks of my body.

Minutes later, Mr. Blackbourne was handing the folders to Dr. Green, and I could feel my entire body back in my control. So I said what I'd been thinking of the entire time.

I didn't think it was fair that the guys got to keep so much from me but demanded I share everything with them.

I loved each and every one of them, but it wasn't right for me to be kept in the dark so much. I understood if it was about the Academy missions, but what about the pictures? Gabriel and Luke weren't on an academy mission in the picture; they were doing a girl's hair and shopping with her.

Neither was Victor, for that matter. He was dressed up in those pictures, telling me that it was likely one of those functions he said he hated but had to endure for his parents.

"Ms. Sorenson," Mr. Blackbourne turned to me. He had an expectant look as if he wanted me to start. I could tell by looking around at their faces that they all wanted to know how I got them, but a couple--Silas, Luke, and Dr. Green--didn't really look too much worried.

I knew if I wanted my answers I would have to give something too.

"I was out for a walk in the woods...."

------since it's so short, I'm combining the next part with this one------

"I was out for a walk in the woods," I began. 

I was immediately cut off by Luke, "Why didn't you just tell us sweetie, we would've walked with you." He looked a little hurt and I hated myself for causing that feeling in him. Then I remembered those pictures where he was smiling with Gabriel and another girl--a beautiful girl who looked like she actually knew something about hair, and perfume, and clothes and she would be better for Gabriel and Luke than I ever could--and I turned my eyes back to my fingers which I just kept twitching.

After Dr. Green let my hands go to look through the folders, they felt cold so I just began moving them around.

I mumbled, "I just wanted a walk. By myself," I stressed the last part.

I didn't hear anything else so figured it was up to me to start the conversation again. "It was getting dark by the time I realized it so I texted Kota to tell him I would be a few minutes. It was then that Volto showed up. I started running; I didn't realize it was him at first, I just knew I heard sounds behind me, like someone was in pursuit. Then he showed up in front of me and I froze."

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