Beginning of curiosity.

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(So I probably have no excuse of not making more chapters of this, but well, I guess its better now then never, and I've been wanting to write so I guess i'm back?)

Y/n's pov

It was right after Jaune attempted to beat Cardin, but failed rather weirdly didn't even do well at all. After this though, I walked over to Pyrrha Nikos, who I had only read about, but was curious about since she seems nice. I was able to land a spot next to the indestructible warrior. 

Y/n:So, miss Nikos-

Pyrrha: Please mr Y/n, just call me Pyrrha, I hate being so proper when we don't have to.

Y/n:Alright then Pyrrha, I've heard that you are rather amazing when it comes to combat correct?

Pyrrha:*This makes the young niko's nod, as she adjust her armor*Why yes I am. would you like a match?

Y/n gives another nod, about to reply to her question, when Jaune and cardin finished their match, with just enough time for one more match, as she mentions an event that would soon take place, as she looks over to the red haired warrior
Glynda: Miss Nikos, would you lie to try and give a quick show of skill?

Pyrrha: Of course miss Goodwitch, and I would like it to be against Y/n please.

This makes Glynda pause, since she is asking to go against someone who had faught earlier in the day against Weiss, and causing an injury to the young Schnee, before nodding

Glynda:Alright then, you two may have the last fight against Mr. Wesker. 

Both Y/n and Pyrrha walk up to the stage slowly now, as both are prepared for the last fight of the day, as Y/n gains an idea, and turns on one more tune to match what will be a rather amazing fight.

3rd pov

The choice of music puts a smile on both Pyrrha and Y/n, as both get into their stances, pyrrha with her spear and shield, and Y/n with his gloves tightened up along with his custom Samurai edge at his holster, as both begin a bit of tricks if they could, as they slowly circle the other, the focus of the fighter's on their opponent. A few minutes of the circling stops as Y/n quickly pulls out his samurai edge and takes a few shots at the invincible warrior, as she is able to block the attacks sent by her opposition. Once she is able to deflect the shots, she dashes up to close the distance, as she goes for a few quick strikes with the tip of the spear.

Y/n notices the attacks coming his way, as he moves his body to the side opposite to the side she stabs, surprised that after doing the strikes, she immediately is able to move the sides of the spear to try and at least get a scratch off onto him, which does go unnoticed by most of the crowd except Y/n, which he believes is her semblance since its as if a magnet was moving the blade to the next side.  Between the strikes of the spear, Y/n attempts a few cobra palm strikes to the chest of Pyrrha, as she can dodge a few, but was unable to dodge a select few strikes to the stronger parts of her armor, which while it does damages her aura, is unnoticed by Pyrrha, as her focus is on the fight.

The duo of skilled fighters begin to alternate between being able to hit the enemy and parrying attacks of them. Which each attack that could be landed on the other was at first a chip battle, as both did little damage when both were focused and easily blocked, but almost 20 minutes of the back and forth combat that they are able to preform begins to have both fighter's have more damage dealt to their aura since their ability to focus on lessening the damage begins to decrease, leading to one more cobra strike from Y/n leading to Pyrrha having her Aura get into the red, as Glynda smiles at the performance of the two future hunters/huntresses.

Glynda: That is enough you two. You two did rather well, and that went rather long, since everybody else left.

She points to a rather empty room since all the other students left for the lunchroom, as she has them cool down and leave

Pyrrha: So Y/n, next time we fight, would you like a rematch?

Y/n:Of course, I would love that, after all, I'd say you are the perfect opponent.

Pyrrha smiles more at how he is treating her like a normal person along with being rather pleasant to be around, as the duo nod, and slowly begin to walk to the lunchroom, unaware that this simple fight would lead to something rather special.

(There we go, another chapter done, and another time i'm hoping things go well. So yea, im back into writing since there is a convention and i'm going as everyone's favorite re villain, Albert Wesker, so expect more chapters of my stories soon. So time to go, Thank you for reading the book blah blah blah something about  following the book or me if you enjoy it, and as always, I hope to be able to see you all beautiful people in the next chapter, see yea)

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