A rather weird beginning

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((Alright since you guys wanted more then more is what you will get. So enjoy even though it will be a bit bad like most of my chapters.))

3rd pov

After talking with Ozpin and Glynda Y/N was now on the bull head heading towards Beacon academy but looking around in the bullhead many people stand out between the weird black silhouettes of random people. Though the only one you see that catches your eye was if remembered correctly was Pyrrha Nikos standing there with her waist long red hair fixed up into a nice little pony tail in her you could say brown chest plate and and black miniskirt with a small red sash.

Even though he would have loved two talk two feminine voices could be heard over your staring. And once turned to the voices one was the little red ridding hood girl and some blonde person who Y/N would only assume was her sister

???: Oh I can't believe my baby sister is coming to beacon with me, this is the best day ever!

RRH: please stop. 

Even though Y/N could see they look nothing alike he didn't say right there that they where not sisters since he knew genetics was rather complicated at times with hair and eye color but beyond that the two seemed nothing alike. But before you could listen more to them the news about Roman came on talking about leading a robbery but this did not matter.

 But what did was just after talking about a faunus civil rights movement going dark with members of the white shit, I mean White Fang disrupted it. And though you saw faunuses (this is plural for faunus right?)  as equals what doesn't go well with Y/N is how they now want equality. This reminded him of a rather dark time in his last home world about people who are different colors of skin, and attacks on the country thanks to how the people saw each other.

But after the news was only Glynda started to go on about beacon and stuff about joining as well. But as the bull head was slowly falling down to beacon all Y/N could think is two things. A being hoping to have a good new start and B why is the blonde from before shouting about, oh, never mind. 

((Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter of the book and as said before the writing is probably terrible but I hope you enjoy and have a good day.))

Albert Wesker male reader x rwbyWhere stories live. Discover now