Taking Out the Trash

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(Welp, here is an update)

Y/n's pov

After the spar with miss nikos had finished, I offered her a chance to spend a bit of time in the cafeteria for lunch, since rather funnily enough, the first years seemed to have very similar time tables, allowing them to hang out. And like everyone else, I grabbed a tray of the ever changing food, today being some sort of chicken before sitting down with the rest, which included Nora's forever tray of pancakes.

But despite her forever breakfast attitude, she was always seemingly happy. And just like a week ago, she begins to recite a dream about skinning ursa for their fur in a fur trade. Normally I would instead think over about the possibility since normally, they disintegrate, but maybe, I can give them a virus maybe to stabilize the beasts for material. But my train of thought is cut off with a few interesting words with the sound of a scoff

Jaune: Oh please, named one time Cardin has bullied me?

While the group recites the multiple times the leader of team CRDL has picked on the young blonde, which includes him throwing Jaune into me, which I instinctively tossed him over a table. Luckily, he wasn't hurt at all from the sudden launch after an apology, this brings up all of my fellow student's performances in this school.

Starting with generalization of the teams, RWBY was weirdly working well, despite hearing about the issues that brew for miss Weiss, mainly about how she should have been the leader of the group, which was resolved with a chat with Ozpin. Team JNPR seemed as if they could work together, with Ren and Nora already working fantastically with one another, while pyrrha could work with everyone. The biggest issue was with Jaune, who from the battles he had forced the blonde to work in being talented, but unconfident or very rookie like, with how sloppy each swing or movement he has.

But the biggest issue was with team CRDL, who decided they didn't wish to take their school lives seriously and choose pick on/antagonize any faunus they come incross, which includes the fellow first year Velvet, who was a rabbit faunus, which is exactly what is happening. Knowing that today would be the last time they cause problems, I slowly stand up and walk over to them with a frown.

3rd Pov

Nobody of CRDL had noticed Y/n walking over to them as Cardin pulls hard on her ears

Cardin:Man, look at these, I said that they were real.w

With Cardin about to strike her, he pauses as his hand is held rather tightly, pushing a nerve rather tightly to make Cardin let go of Velvet. And with his hands now off of her, she runs off to return to her team. Cardin frowns softly as he forcefully pulls his hand away from the hold

Cardin: Hey, what do you think your doing glasses? Can't you see that I was busy?

With this said his team stand up, almost wanting to ambush him

Y/n: Ive decided that this place stinks, and I'm going to take out some trash.

Before the team could laugh at him or try to attack, Y/n grab's Cardin by the collar of his shirt, before slamming him into the tables, almost crashing him through the table. With his hand still on him, Y/n decides to launch Cardin by dragging him across the table to launch him out the entrance of the Cafeteria, since it was close by to the group. The team ran out of the room to grab their leader to get him to the nurse area since when Cardin landed, there was a loud crack from sudden slam.

Y/n gets an idea on how to take them out, as he was already tired of them not contributing to anything but the constant bullying. But before he can react like nothing to much happened, Pyrrha runs over with surprise all over her face

Pyrrha: Hey um Y/n, while i'm hoping that cardin learns from this, was it necessary to throw Cardin like that?

Y/n: Well, I guess not. I'll apologize to him later when he wakes up.

Pyrrha gives an approving nod, as the duo slowly walk back to the table. Once at the table, everyone finishes eating before getting prepared for the class as tonight, something happens.


Cardin Pov

Ow, my head still hurts from being tossed out a door from the idiot. But as my eyes slowly open, I'm not in the nursing room that I was in with my team but rather, still with my team, but we are in some sort of underground building. I was able to wake up Russel and Dove but when I went to wake up sky, we all froze in fear, as his face had been ripped at by a set of three claws and by the crushed throat, he must have been killed through said crushing.

But with this, we needed to run now, whatever got sky won't stop with just him. Whatever it is, it's coming after my group too. With nothing more than our weapons, I open a lone door in front of us, revealing the inside of some sort of laboratory area, with a bridge leading to two doors, with one one being green. Russel runs straight to the doors with a look of hope on his face, as before we could wait up, a gunshot noise comes out, with Russel falling over the side of the bridge, which makes Dove and I gasp from shock. It looked like he triggered some sort of pressure plate on the unopened door, and with a quick glance up, it was a rifle blast from an opening in the ceiling.

With a nod from Dove, we both go into the room on the left unlocked door, to find it mostly empty besides a sign that says survive. When Dove enters the room with me, the door shuts and must have locks behind us, leaving us stuck in here. Once the door must have locked, a cage slowly opens up, with some sort of eyeless beast being released from said cage, with three clawed fingers while the remaining two looked more normal, as with its brain and heart exposed, this thing must be easy to take care of.

Fortunately, Dove and I were able to kill this stupid beast, though it was more like I had to kill it, as while Dove got a few cuts on it, the beast cut off his arm before killing my final partner. Once I was left alive, I felt two shots through my kneecaps from behind me, which made me yell in agonizing pain, allowing me to see who brought me here, it was Y/n??

Cardin: W-what the hell glasses?!

Y/n: Congratulations Cardin, you are the last idiot alive. Maybe you will be more useful under my thumb than running around.

With these words he knocks me out with a kick from his steel toe boots.

(Welp, here is a new chapter with a new me

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(Welp, here is a new chapter with a new me. I can't wait to see you guys next time. Thank you, and have a good day)

Albert Wesker male reader x rwbyWhere stories live. Discover now