We didnt start the fight prt1

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(Hello, yes its an actual update of this book that I feel like nobody will read this but screw it, life isnt always nice but I do at least hope everyone enjoys this chapter.)

Y/n's pov

I smile softly seeing weiss also raise her hand before letting out a very soft chuckle in amusement. Weiss seems to take this as a sort of thing of me thinking she cant do it. And while it isnt what I meant, its rather amusing seeing her frustrated. Right as things were going worse, proffessor Port breaks up the small battle

Port:*fake coughs*Um, anyways, ms. Schnee, please get your gear ready first. Then mr. Wesker, you can go get yours.

Weiss:It will be my pleasure sir.

Right after saying this, she walks out the room to put her outfit that doesnt seem to be an outfit you would usually wear when in a fight, but I guess I have seen worse. Once she walked in with her weapon, which appears to be a simple raiper with dust chambers at the guard of the blade. Once she walked out onto the small little arena in front of our desks, port used the blade of his weapon to chop off the restrainer holding back the beast, as a boarbatusk bursts from the cage before running at Weiss on instinct as it tries to trample or at least cause great damage to weiss. I do at least smile seeing her teamates try to say something encouraging to Weiss, but it appeared to only anger her more then it did encourage her. 

I sigh softly at this and wish to know why she is like this. Sure some may say she was raised like this, but Imkind of disagree. Something must have either happened or she just doesnt know how to really socialize with other people around her. I shrug softly as I get up and walk off to get my uniform all together.

Weiss pov

Damn, this thing doesnt want to stay still for me to get a good hit in. I growl softly as it began to roll at me, I use one of my glyphs to stop the beast in its tracks before creating one above myself before jumping against it to stab the grimm in the stomach, killing it like that. No problems, except my own team. When I turn around to show off to the one male student, I stop and see he isnt here. I grow a small smirk thinking he was to much of a chicken to actually come out and fight one of these before I see him walk back into the room, with a black coat, pants, shirt and what I guess is a cloak on him. 

Y/n's pov.

I chuckle softly seeing the face of Weiss looking at my outfit as port gets another cage for myself. Once I get into the arena, port unleashes another boarbatusk at me. As it gets closer to me, I use a bit of my ability to be able to teleport around the grimm. Once im behind the grim I watch it stop and turn right back around to me as it tries to run into me. I chuckle loudly as it is an inch away, I grab it by its horns before giving it a suplex, driving its head into the ground making its body stay up. Once I move out the way, I swiftly kick through its body killing the grimm like that.

Once I rip my leg out of its torso, port claps surprised by this but smiles at two of his students being able to grimm. 

Port:Very well done, looks like we have two true hunters and huntress amoung us today, now due to a lack of time, class dismiss.

I give a small nod as at port before slowly walking away from the classroom, givin a look at Weiss as she gives me that same look.

The look of acepting a challange from their rival.

(Tada, its another chapter, im not dead, and neither is this book

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(Tada, its another chapter, im not dead, and neither is this book. I do hope you guys enjoy this chapter and have fantastic days. And I may know that I may not be able to change everyones day, but I can at least hope that those days can be improved at least. Now I hope days go well and I will see everyone, in the next update. See yea)

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